chapter 16

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'Y/N, please know, no matter what happens, I will always love you. You are a empathetic, passionate, gernerous,kind, understanding and a beautifu person. Even if yo're not able to use your power anymore, it changes nothing in the way I feel about you. I love you.'

'I love you too, Namjoon.'

That night Namjoon and I laid in bed together. He was the big spoon and his bi body nearly engulfed me. But I felt happy. Yes I was happy that I was in Namjoon's arms. Happy that I got to spend wonderful days with the people here. Happy that I found a new family.

'Is everything alright.'Namjoon whispered behind me. 'Yes why?'I slightly turned my head to look at him. 'Well maybe becase your heartbeat was beating like crazy. What were you thinking about?' 'About everything, you, me, evrything that happened in the last few days and how my life changed the moment I met you.''So I am the reason why your heart quickened.'A smirk formed on his face. 'I know a way how it can get even faster.' He moved me on my back and hovered above me.'You remember the last time we were in this position?''Yeah, I do.''That's good because I surely will repeat that.'And with that his lips crashed down on mine. With only one swipe of his tongue against me and I willingly opened my lips and let him enter. My hands automatically found their way around his neck and played with the little hairs there. I allowed me a little fun and pulled a little at them only to get a deep groan from him. No. It was more of a growl. 'Babe, do that one more time and I swear you won't be able to walk for a week.' The little shit I am I pulled at the exact moment he ended his sentence. Oh boy. Wrong timing. With one movement he ripped my shirt open and removed my bra followed by teh rest of my pajamas. Now I was lying there. Naked. While he was still clothed. Well half clothed, he didn't wear a shirt to sleep. Right when I was about to help him remove his clothes he grabbed my wrist and held them together above my head. 'No, no, baby girl. Bad girls deserve a punishment.'Oh lord. What did I do?

The next morning I woke up beause the sunlight blended me. Looking behind me I saw Namjoon still sleeping peacefully. I tried to get his arm off my waist to stand up but he only pulled me closer. 'Where are you going?'He voice came out husky which sounded hot. 'Babe, we have to stand up. It's already 10. don't you have anything to do? I mean you're the alpha.''Babe, I like how that sounds. Only call me babe from now on.''Namjoon, did you seriously just remember that from everything I said?' he chuckled and pulled me on top of him. Our naked chests toouched and I leaned down and captured his lips with mine. His hands rested on my back and started caressing my naked skin. 'I know what you're trying to do.' I looked at him. If he thought that his wonderful, soothing warm touches could make me stay in bed he has to think twice. Even though it's appealing. I stood up and took the comforter with me. He groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. Swinging his legs to the side he stood up and went to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. Meanwhile I searched for some clothes to wear. After refreshing and dressing up we both went down and saw everyone lingering in the big open kitchen waiting for the food to be served. 'JEON JUNGKOOK, STOP STEALING THE BACON YOU LITTLE BRAT.'Jin's voice echoed through the pack house. Jungkook saw us coming down and immeadietly ran behind me and Namjoon. 'Hyung, Noona help me, Jin Hyung is going to kill me.'With that all eyes turned to us and my cheeks immeadietly reddend by all teh attention we recieved. 'Soooo.''Namjoon's mother began. 'When am I going to be a grandmother???' Our jaws dropped. 'D-d-did y-you..?''Oh honey, dear, we are all werewolves, but no we didn't hear anything. The bedrooms aren't soundproof for no reason. But from expierence myself I know that once mates found each other they're doing it all the time.''Mooooom.'Namjoon whined cutely. I could only look down. This is embarassing. 'Jin hyung when can we finally eat?'Jimin tried to help Namjoon and me out of this situation by changing the topic.

While breakfast everyone had small conversations with their plans for the day and other things.

'So y/n noona, I heard you're the new healer of the pack?'Taehyung asked me. 'Eh yes, Namjoon's mother offered me the position and I couldn't decline.''Oh, please dear call me mom.''Alright, mom.'It felt different calling someone mom. I had a mom but she was nothing like Joon's mother.

The conversations continued until Namjoon's father brought up a topic. 'I know you young children like to enjoy your time by just being a couple, but son, I have to remind you that you're not an ordinary wold, you're the alpha of the pack. And as tradition says the alpha and his designated luna have to mate to fullfill the mating bond.' Because I didn't know how a mating bond was fullfilled I asked. Jin was the one to answe. 'It's kind of like a wedding, but more wolfish. Like everyone sits and the two people stand at the front, an elder says some words and finally you bite each other.''But y/n noona isn't a wolf, she can't bite hyung.' 'That's right Jungkook.'Namjoon's father said. 'That's why y/n and Namjoon will have a talk with the elders of the pack. Yoongi weren't you going to visit your uncle today? Then you can go with the both.'Yoongi who hasn't said a word unil now looked up and the gave me and Namjoon a small smile.

After finishing up I helped Jin with cleaning up the table. 'Jin can I ask you something?''You already did.'His windshiel laughter echoes in the whole room. 'Who exactly is Yoongi's uncle. I only know that he's one of the elders but nothing more.''Well, Yoongi's uncle is basically like his father. His parents were killed twenty years ago when a rivalling pack attacked us. Yoongi was only six at that time while his younger sister was only five.''Is his younger sister also part of the pack?' Jin looked at me and smiled. It was a sad smile and in his eyes I could see the pain. The pain of loosing someone you loved. One small tear slid down his cheek. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that.''No, no Y/N it's alright to ask. It looks like you will become a member of our pack and that also means that it's necessary to inform you about as much as possible. His sisters name was Sunmi. She was truly beautiful, long black hair, beautiful eyes and and porcelain skin. She... she was my mate.'

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