Chapter 3

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Robins POV

I went to check on Starfire. It was night and already dark. I just wanted to make sure she's ok before I go to bed. I walked to the door of her room and knocked. No answer. I knocked again, louder this time just in case she was asleep and couldn't hear the knock. Still no response. I was starting to get anxious and went in her room. No one was there. The room was still clean and all, just empty. I assumed she either flew off into the night or someone took her. I ran to the rooftop of the tower as fast as I could. When I opened the door that led to the rooftop, it nearly broke off its hinges. Then I saw her. She turned around to look at me. Her face seemed empty and sad. She turned back to the horizon with her back facing me. I went over to the edge where she was sitting with feet dangling over the edge. "Can I sit with you?" I asked. She nodded her head still looking out beyond. I sat down next to her. I could feel that she wasn't as energetic as she usually was. "Star, what wrong? Are you ok?" She brought her knees to her chest, now hugging them and tensing up. She turned her face away from me, laying her face on her knees. I scooted closer to her and gently placed my hand on her back. She jumped when I touched her but in seconds relaxed. "Please tell me what's wrong," I said in a gentle voice. She didn't answer, just tensed up even more. That's when I heard a light buzzing noise behind me. I turned around to see Slade on some sort of large hoverboard. "Hello Robin, Starfire. Am I interrupting anything?" Starfire jumped up and wiped her face. She still didn't let out a sound. "Slade.", I replied in an annoyed voice. I ran towards him to attack. He whipped out his Bo staff at the same time I did.

I went to strike when he ducked then hit a button on his staff creating some kind of laser at the bottom, just as before. He quickly aimed toward star who was still at the edge of the tower. I tried to get ahold of Slades staff but it was no use. Right as I lunged toward him he shot the laser. He put his staff away and put me in a choke hold, causing me to watch Starfire fall off the side of the tower in horror. "Starfire, fly!" I screamed but then I realized that she wasn't able because of the ray Slade hit her with. Slade was holding me with his arm over my chest, forcing some electrical knife closer toward my neck. After hearing a splash, I completely lost it. Slade pushed me forward and flew off into the night in his hoverboard.

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