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The five galloped, with Gandalf at the head of the group, from the borders of Fangorn to Edoras.

Goneril followed them on the back of a recalcitrant Aldair, which felt the nervousness of its owner. "Be quiet. Soon we'll leave." she whispered, stroking the horse.

They passed not far from the legion, which was still encamped waiting for signals from the General. "Don't go to your men!" Gandalf shouted. "Not yet."

"Do I have a choice?" she replied as the horses trotted toward the citadel.

The Elf, who was riding on the same horse with the Dwarf, approached her. "A magnificent animal ..." he commented, referring to Aldair. The stallion's black coat showed golden reflections under the sun. "Where did you buy it?"

"Would you like to steal it from me?" Goneril replied. "I know you Elves, you would kill for a good horse."

"That is your specialty." the blond Elf replied. "And Aragorn says you are famous among the brigands of Middle-earth."

"Oh, Aragorn says so? Well, I guess a wanderer knows a lot about me." she answered. Then she smiled. "I bet you are all three escaped from your respective kingdoms. You have no mission to accomplish ..."

"Escaped from our kingdoms ... ha! Do you want to know why we are here?" asked the Dwarf.

"No, Gimli." the Elf interrupted him. "Don't tell her anything." then he moved away with his white steed.
He must come from Mirkwood, she reasoned. He is dressed like a wood elf.
That type of Elves, however, generally did not have blond / silvery hair. Unless he was related to Thranduil, the Sindar Elvenking who ruled that people.
No, she told herself. Thranduil would never leave the prince wander alone throughout Arda. And even less in the company of a Dwarf.

They crossed the heavy wooden door that closed the access to Edoras. Again, Goneril noticed the general misery of that place.

"You find more happiness in a cemetery." commented Gimli.

"I have no intention of entering the Palace." the woman said. "I've been here before, and I'll only come back with Saruman's head, as promised to these people. I've never returned empty-handed from a job."

"You will come to Théoden with us instead. He needs us now."
answered Gandalf.  "Don't make me repeat it, or you and your horse will become two ornamental statues."

Goneril that time replied: "Your threats intrigue me. These are heavy words, but you're not evil. You're not like Saruman, are you? ... so I really don't think you would hurt me seriously. You just want to scare me."

"I'm not perfidious, you say well ... but you are. The cruel actions of your life should be punished, in fact, and don't think that I wouldn't do it!"  replied Gandalf.  "Only, there is something that stops me. A little scruple. But don't challenge me, my tolerance towards you is tied to a thin thread."

Aragorn and the others had listened to those reproaches in silence, but it was obvious that they agreed.  "Now let's go, and let me talk."  Gandalf commanded.  The five dismounted from their horses.

Out of the corner of her eye, Goneril suddenly caught a movement at the entrance to the Palace.  She looked better and noticed a figure dressed in white.  A girl.

Éowyn, she thought.  Grima's little prey.

As she had appeared, Éomer's sister suddenly disappeared. She had probably gone to lock herself up in her rooms, frightened by the visitors.

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