The boulders of which Haldir spoke were lava stones.
Round, black and porous. The prince had scattered them all the way from the border of the Woodland Realm to the entrance to the territory of Esgaroth. Goneril mentally complimented the Elf for the idea: the realm of Thranduil had been built on an inactive volcano, and the solidified lava had left residues all over the place. Those pitch-black stones were very different from the white limestone in the woods and valleys. It was easy for the woman to find and follow them.
Once she arrived at the border of Esgaroth, Goneril stopped.
She scanned the night sky, and saw a grayish shadow rise into the distance. Smoke, the thick smoke of a chimney.
She ran to where it seemed to come from, and found a farmhouse. It was built on the shores of the lake, just a few meters from the long wooden walkway that connected Esgaroth to the mainland. Goneril imagined that, years before, it must have been the home of the guardian of that lake village.
People still lived in that farmhouse. Its owners were certainly sleeping, since no light came from the inside. Only the fireplace was lit.
The woman immediately saw what she was interested in: on some ropes attached to two pillars on the porch, there were clothes. She saw a wool blouse and a wide skirt in white canvas.
Goneril hastily grabbed the clothes, and stole a handkerchief, too. She ran behind the stables, and with the favor of darkness she changed. She took off her armor, but kept her shoes, which could be covered by the skirt. She hid the dagger behind her back. She gathered her hair and covered it with the handkerchief, just as a servant would have done.
The sword was actually a problem. She could sink her armor in the waters of the lake, but not her expensive sword.
She tried to place it under her skirt.
Éowyn's cloak was put on the ropes instead of the stolen clothes. "Today you made a big deal, unknown lady. You lost four rags, and you earned the cloak of a princess." murmured Goneril, before setting off towards Dale. That mysterious woman or girl would have opened her mouth in awe and perhaps would have thought that the unexpected gift must have been left there by some spirit of the woods.
She thought about the lies she should have told the guards, once she reached the threshold of the realm. Meanwhile, a timid light beyond the hills announced the impending dawn.
I come from Rohan. I ran away after our kingdom was attacked by the Orcs. It was terrible. I took a horse and escaped through the Brown Lands and then I saw the river and....
she tried to imagine how a young maid would have behaved. I must look desperate, she thought, desperate and willing to do any work. I will say that I haven't eaten in days. I will ask the guards to show me the homes of the wealthiest inhabitants of Dale, where I could work. Maybe they'll take me to Monrose house.As she proceeded along the path that led to Dale, in the distance she saw the great wall, of which Haldir had told her. She also saw the Mountain of the Dwarves, and the majesty of Erebor. The sun had now shown its first slice, and the high walls, with their towers at the four corners, were fully visible.
After another half-hour of walking, she finally reached the great entrance of the kingdom. A heavy door decorated with Dale's symbols awaited her. It was open.
Four soldiers guarded the entrance. They had made the night patrol, and they were tired. They were waiting to go home.
She approached boldly, according to her custom, then she remembered: I must play the part, I am not a commander now. I am a frightened girl who's escaped from a distant territory.

The Eastern Woman
FanficGoneril is a General. One of the greatest warriors in Middle-Earth. At the head of a mercenary legion, she crosses Arda in search of new agreements. Men or Elves, Dwarves or Orcs, peoples of the Earth are enemies or clients for her. Never friends. ...