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Goneril was starting to talk about her mysterious savior, when a soldier ran into the great throne room and announced: "Your Majesty, two children have reached Edoras on horseback. One boy and one girl. The little boy has lost consciousness."

Immediately Éowyn ran out to see what it was all about.

"I think the village they come from has been attacked. They mounted on a horse too big for them. Probably their parents encouraged them to escape." the soldier continued.

"Death ..." Théoden whispered. "... around these borders there is only death."

Goneril approached him. "I told you: you had to use my army. We would have protected the borders and the villages."

Theoden looked at her. "If you are who I believe you are, these are also your subjects. Don't you feel compassion for them? Are you interested only in money?"

Goneril grabbed Théoden by the collar. Aragorn rushed to stop her. "Go easy. This is the king. And maybe he is your father." He told her.

"No, you're wrong." she growled. "I don't have a father. The man who raised me was a violent and ignorant fool ... and this one in front of me is a mad old man. I don't have parents. And yes ..." she continued . "... I'm interested only in money."

Aragorn kept holding her, he was blocking her arms behind her back. "Control yourself, Generaless. Or I'll hold you until I break your arm." He threatened her.

Théoden freed himself from the girl's grip. "Just because I have terrible guilty feelings towards you, you won't be imprisoned. But don't try that again."

Goneril looked him in the eyes and from the gaze that ran between them, Aragorn had the confirmation that they were father and daughter. Both proud and fierce.

The woman then turned to him. "So you like threating women, in Gondor? Or maybe this is the courtesy you reserve for humans ... I think you prefer elven ladies, don't you?" and then she smiled mockingly.

Aragorn left his grip. Goneril dropped her gaze to the crystal pendant that hung at the neck of the ranger.

"The Evenstar. Symbol of immortality for the Elves of Imladris. Your beloved one gave it to you, I bet." she asked.

Legolas intervened. "Aragorn is united to the daughter of Lord Elrond, Arwen."

Goneril turned her gaze on him. "Apparently interracial unions are frequent in Middle-earth. Thranduil with a human, and our Aragorn with an Elf."

Gimli was surprised. "Your father is in love with a mortal woman ?!" he asked Legolas.

The Elf gave an angry look at the warrior. "You should think about your own business." He told her.

Gimli continued. "You really want to tell me that King Thranduil is with ..."

Legolas silenced him. "It's an old story. My father loved twice in his life. But he loved. You only know hatred, instead." he said to Goneril.

"You are utterly wrong, Elf archer . I have experienced love, too. And it was your friend Amon who gave it to me. Do you wish to know how?" she asked.

But as she said this, the doors opened. Éowyn entered and behind her there were two soldiers holding two children. They were siblings, they looked alike. The little girl could have been six years old, she was awake and whimpering. Her brother was unconscious.

Théoden got worried. "Let them lay down near the fireplace, let the fire warm them up. And bring food for these two poor kids."

Éowyn ran to get more soup.

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