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His hand gently grazed my sore shoulder but I suddenly couldn't feel the pain. If you'd asked me, I most likely wouldn't have been able to tell you which state I was in in that moment. I was just focusing on his eyes and their journey over me.

'Good thing is, there's no blood so...so you're not, uh...' he cleared his throat.

He has to be feeling this right now, right?

'Okay,' I whispered.

'It's probably muscular 'cause I...I don't feel any broken bones.' His fingers traced along my collarbone and up my neck before his hand went flat against the area. His other hand went to my waist and slid around to the small of my back.

'Hey...' I tried to get his attention and it worked, he finally met my eyes again. He started to lean forward as if in a trance.

I wanted this. I really...really wanted this. I was fully out of it. I felt like I was sleepwalking, drowsy with the need to grab him and—

My pocket started buzzing, the loud noise snapping us both out of it. I fumbled to retrieve my phone and I saw that the caller ID was...Eden.

'Shit, I need to—I need to go.'

'O-okay,' he said.

I stepped away from him and immediately felt cold where his warmth had been. God, I was a joke.


I had my hand against the sturdy door but I turned my head to look at him.

'Your phone,' was all he said.

'My phone?'

'Give it to me.' I hesitated but eventually walked to him and passed him my phone that had stopped ringing. He held it in front of me so I could enter my password then he started...typing? Looking around? I wasn't sure. He even pulled out his own phone and started looking between them.

'Here,' he said, finally giving it back to me. 'I'll see you around.' He didn't move and neither did I, but my phone started vibrating again and I knew I couldn't keep ignoring it.

'Hello?' I answered while I walked out of the bathroom door and away from him.


I let out a breath. I was fully ready to fuck that girl senseless in a public men's room when I was probably thirty feet away from my brother and mom and anyone could've walked in on us. Thank god she got that call or...I don't even know what.

I'd put my hands on the edge of the counter that the sinks were on and bowed my head, trying to control my hormones, when my brother came bounding into the toilet shouting my name.

'What? Dude, I'm right here.'

'Where have you been? We're keeping everyone waiting, you dipshit.'

'Sorry, I just...' I shook my head and stood upright.

'Bro...you good?' He seemed concerned.

'Yeah, lets just g—'

I was cut off by an incoming text.

Toilet girl: So this is why you wanted my phone, huh?

I grinned.

Me: Couldn't let you get away that easy 😉

'Bro?' I snapped my head up.

'Yeah, I'm coming.'

I walked while she typed.

Toilet girl: Now who's the stalker?

Toilet girl: And why did you name yourself 'Hot toilet guy'?

Me: Thought it was fitting.

I switched off my phone and took a deep breath. Time to work.


Eden was up next and there was no way of getting to her in time, so I skipped out on meeting the twins. I didn't mind, though, and neither did she when I told her about my bathroom encounter when I met up with her.

'Oh my god, you minx!' She poked my ribs.

'Nothing even happened!'

'But you wanted it to,' she sang and I laughed.

'A little.' She raised a brow. 'Okay, a lot. I mean, oh my god, Eden. Eden. He was sooo hot. Hotter than hot. I thought he was going to melt me! It was basically a near death experience.'

She giggled and started jumping up and down, squealing. I tried to fight it but I ended up joining in. 'I can't believe this. You met someone. It's about time,' she said, sighing dreamily. 'You said you got his number?'

We stepped into the cab and told the driver the address of our hotel.

'Yes,' I said after the car started moving. 'We texted a little but he had to go.'

'You should ask him out,' she said while applying powder to her nose.

'No way. I'm not even sure if he was into me.'

'Of course he was, you're stunning. If I wasn't going to marry Grayson Dolan, I'd definitely go gay for you,' she winked at me and I laughed.

'You're obsessed with those twins, it's unhealthy.' I found the pocket of my dress again and took out my phone. 'Eden, he texted me!'

'Ohmigod, when?' She spun herself so her left leg was on the seat in between us.

'Four minutes ago.' I opened the message. 'He wants to meet for drinks! What should I say?'

'Umm...yes?!' I bit my lip.

Me: Okay, sounds good. When and where?

Hot toilet guy: I'm staying at a hotel near the exhibition centre. Maybe we could get a drink in the bar across the street?

He gave me the address, the same address we'd just given the taxi driver. Eden saw and her mouth hung open.

Me: No way, that's literally where me and my friend are staying!

Hot toilet guy: That's insane. If she wants to come, she can. I've got a brother she could hang with.

I looked at Eden.

Me: Like a double date?

Hot toilet guy: Sure. Is she down?

'Yes! If he's anywhere near as hot as how you're describing your one, I'll take him.' I chuckled.

Me: Yeah.

Once we'd reached our room, we had half an hour to change and meet the boys across the road.

'What's his name?' Eden called while I was showering.

'He never told me,' I shouted back.

'You don't know his name? Milo, that's crazy!'

I knew she was right, but there was just something about him...


'Okay,' Eden said as she patted her sides. She was wearing a purple sequinned bodycon dress that hugged her curves and barely covered her ass. Her shiny brown hair was, as usual, in beautiful big bouncy curls and she had done her makeup to perfection. I was wearing a black satin slip dress that went halfway down my thighs and showed off my cleavage and I'd put on a black belt at my waist for some definition as slip dresses lack that. My hair was straight and tied up and I wasn't wearing any makeup.

I all of a sudden wanted to back out of this. I was severely lacking and not likely to impress anyone in the state I was in, but Eden interrupted my thoughts.

'Ready?' She asked.

I knew I had to do this. I nodded. 'Ready.'

She linked her arm through mine and turned to the big glass doors but she stopped. She gasped before tugging me away.

'Milo, ohmigod.'

'What? What's wrong?'

'The twins are in there!'

I frowned. 'Who?'

'The Dolan twins.'

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