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'Could you move your bag?'

I didn't look up at the woman.


The opening was large so she was only being difficult but I obliged out of the goodness of my heart.

Here I was: sitting poolside for the first time since being here, sunbathing in the hottest swimwear I have ever owned with huge, thick black shades and massively high wedges on along with my two suitcases and handbag by my side.

Why am I wearing wedges at the pool? Well, because I felt like being as extra as I could be. I even curled my hair.

Why do I have my suitcases with me? Well, that's a loaded question that might take a little longer to answer.

I packed my things and left promptly after finding myself fucked in the ass by my good buddy. Ethan didn't say a word to me. But then that left me in the elevator with no idea which button I was pressing. Do I go to Grayson with my tail between my legs admitting I'd always wanted to be with him, but my head got in the way? Or do I go back to Eden and have to put up with her for the next few days?

I voted "fuck everyone" and hit the button for the lobby. Hot girl summer, motherfuckers.


Is that...Milo?

I felt like I was watching some sort of augmented reality or a movie or that scene from Scooby Doo when Velma was suddenly hot after she got possessed by the monsters.

I couldn't just walk out there and approach her; I was still in my outfit from our date. So I ran up to my room, got changed into some light blue swimming trunks, flip flops and I swung a towel over my shoulder.

As I approached her lounger, I got a better view of what she looked like. She was wearing a bright yellow wrap swimsuit that had two straps covering her chest - showing off a lot of boob - huge heels that wrapped around her calf, her hair was in gigantic bouncy curls and half of her face was covered by her sunglasses. She had one leg bent and one straight out in front of her.

I stood over her and just drank everything in. 'Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here.'

She didn't look at me. 'So crazy.'

'You picked a great day to sunbathe.'

She sighed. 'What do you want, Grayson? I'm busy.'

'Just wanted to catch some rays. Is this lounger taken?' I gestured to the bed next to hers.

She moved her glasses down with one hand so I could just see her eyes.

'I'll take that as a "yes",' I said, grinning and laying my towel down. She moved her glasses back up.

'So,' I started, getting settled. 'What's the occasion? Why are we so dressed up for the pool? Don't get me wrong, it's making my day a hell of a lot better.'

I caught a hint of a smile at my last comment, but she held it back. 'Why does there have to be an occasion to look good?'

'You don't look good.'

I think she raised her eyebrows, but her shades were too big to know for sure.

'You look fucking incredible. I'm pretty sure it's actually a crime. I'd definitely put a lot of money on the sight of you drowning a poor, unsuspecting man at some point today.'

'A poor unsuspecting man like yourself?' she asked, tipping her head to the side a little.

'Maybe,' I shrugged. 'I don't think I'd do too good of a job from my position here. And let me tell you, the only way I'm getting into the water is if you're with me.'

'Fat chance of that,' she retorted, moving her head back to facing the pool.

'We'll see,' I mumbled. 'Anyway, what have you been up to today? I feel like we haven't spoken in forever.'

'I saw you less than an hour ago, Grayson.'

'I think I speak for both of us when I say that it was a really good date.'



'That wasn't a date. We were supposed to be talking about something, but, now that I think about it, we didn't do anything of the sort.'

'Oh, yeah,' I mused. 'Wonder what happened.'

There was a pause. 'What was it you wanted to discuss?'

I'm not ready to go there, yet.

'I'll tell you once you tell me the story of how you ended up here with your bags and a newfound "no fucks given" attitude.'

She pursed her lips. 'Thought I'd channel my inner diva for the afternoon. I'm in need of a change.'

I nodded. 'And the bags?'


This girl is like a Rubik's Cube, but that's what keeps pulling me back. I'm a full-blown addict.

'You can either tell me or come for a swim with me.'

She glanced at me. 'Say it ain't so.'

I grinned and stood, holding out my hand for her. She took it and got to her feet.

'Let's go, Milo. Layers off.'

She sighed and untied her wedges before standing straight, considerably lower now.

'And the glasses.'

She took them off with one hand, again, and swished her mane from side to side.

'Good enough?' she asked.


We walked to the pool side by side and I held her hand as she stepped into the water.

'Oh my god, it's freezing.'

'You'll get used to it.'

'Grayson, this is ridiculous. My hair-'

'Is fine. It was going to get straightened out sooner or later since you never curl it. Let's stay in for a while, okay?'

She scrunched her face in disbelief, but agreed.

I suggested we wade further, towards the deep end. We started off that way but it was taking us a while, so I took Milo's arm and pulled her onto me, carrying her all the way to our final destination. It was probably the best two minutes of my life; I had her boobs pressed against my chest and her legs wrapped around my waist - what more could a guy want?

She giggled the whole time and locked her arms around my neck. 'You're lucky we're in a body of water so there's no risk of you dropping me because of your arms getting too sore.'

'I hit the gym for hours everyday. There isn't a chance I would ever drop you.'

She smiled. 'If you say so.' She glanced around. 'What now?'

'Well, we could play some games?'

She grinned. 'Handstand competition?'

I grinned back. 'Handstand competition.'

Is it embarrassing that she beat me? I demanded a rematch and won the second round, but she took the ultimate victory by winning the third.

I came up for air and watched her legs wiggling around for a moment before she surfaced, too, smoothing her hair back like a model.

'Looks like I won again, Dolan. I guess you're losing your rep now, huh?'

'I think I'm the true winner, here,' I countered.

'Oh? And why is that?'

I drifted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist, feeling her wet skin against mine.

'Because I'm here with you.'

She shook her head and wiped the hair off of my forehead. 'You've got no idea what you're getting yourself into,' she mumbled.

'I think I do.'

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