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I pulled a face at her. 'Are you sure?'

'Yes, I'm sure,' she hissed.

I went to look but she tugged me back. 'What are you doing?!'

'Going to look? Maybe even... you know....enter? We've got dates in there, you psycho.'

She steadied her breaths and clutched my arm. 'Okay. I'm okay. Let's go.'

We walked to the doors. 'Do you see them? Our dates?'

I looked around.

'Would you even recognise your mystery toilet man if you saw him? I mean, you were only in there for—'

'Over there,' I said, pointing at the two guys sitting at a table in a shaded area. Before we could go over, she pulled me to a stop.

'What now?!'


'What?' I was getting agitated.


I looked at them again and...she was right. 'So?'

She turned to me, eyes wide. 'You got us dates with the Dolan twins.'

I gaped at her. 'No,' I said in a grave voice. 'This can't be happening right now.'

In the space of a second, Eden's whole attitude shifted. She'd went from embarrassed to, well, ecstatic.

'Hey guys!' She waved at them.

No fucking way.

'Hey,' my toilet guy said, standing. He held out his hand for me, but Eden snatched it.

'I'm Eden,' she said, her voice husky.

'Grayson,' he said, looking past her to me.

'You must be the friend,' his brother said, catching my attention. I froze.

'N-' I glanced at the pair of them, already lost in conversation. 'I guess I am.'


Two hours had passed. Two hours of chatting to Ethan, toilet gu—Grayson's brother while my best friend and the guy I'd almost kissed flirted with each other.

Ethan was kind, friendly and funny. I liked him. But...he wasn't him. I was polite and answered all of Ethan's questions nicely with no desire to argue with him. Or kiss him.

'Can I tell you a secret?' he asked, leaning towards me and bumping his elbow against mine.


He looked at the pair of lovebirds then back to me. 'I'm actually seeing someone.'

'O...kay,' I furrowed my brows. 'Then why did you come tonight?'

He smiled. 'Grayson doesn't know.'

'Oh,' I said. He came to keep Eden, me, occupied so that Grayson and his date could have a good time. What a good guy.

'Can I tell you a secret?'

'Sure,' he said, still smiling.

'I'm the girl from the toilet.' Now it was his turn to frown.

'But—' he pointed at them.

'Yeah,' I said, smiling sadly.

'I'm sorry,' Ethan said. 'I can't believe they'd do you so dirty.'

I laughed and nudged his elbow like he'd done to me a few minutes ago. 'It's not all bad. I got to hang out with you.' He grinned.

'Hey, guys?' Grayson asked, interrupting us. 'We're gonna head out.'

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