May 29th 10:30pm

22 1 0

There's only silence to be heard. Execpt for the pirate music coming from the kitchen. She sits and waits for her father to go downstairs so she can sneak around without a worry. Things used to be easier. She knew that. Because now he is always checking on her. She waits patiently for her closet friends to reply and is filled with joy when they do. While she waits she colors. She colors a butterfly for her mother who will never see it. It will go on a small place on her shelf with everything else she can find so far that was her mom's. Waiting. Just waiting. While her mom is on her deathbed the girl sits alone in her room. Does not attend school anymore. Does not feel anymore. And does not want to live anymore. Once already the girl tried to die. Once already her friend tried to die. Once already for each of her friends she talks to because she knows, one day. They will all be gone. She knows to cherish them while she can. Their all she cares about. And all she probably will. She's just waiting. Waiting for her mother to die. Waiting to go to her mother's memorial to meet one of her friends. Waiting to die. Waiting.         

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