part 2

43 7 1

epic: WE KNOW IT BRUH!!!

cross: yeah WE  KNOW IT DUDE!

ss chara: about wat?

epic: but... frist give we da prize bruh 

ss chara: really? alright-alright this *mengeluarkan sebuah tas besar*

epic: bruh take da prize and i will tell you

cross: alright dude *mengambil tas tersebut

ss chara: tell me now

epic: alright calm down bruh you will be don't believe it

ss chara: i will believe it

epic: author will have a child bruh!!

ss chara: wh- are you really sure? and what do you mean author willl be have a child?

epic: i see lust with author last night bruh go to bedroom bruh

ss chara: wat?

epic: tell him bruh *menyuruh cross*

cross:alright AUTHOR WILL BE HAVE A CHILD dude*teriak di kuping ss chara tapi yang denger malah 1 rumah*

ss chara:auuu-....

wwwwiiiiuuunngg....  *ada suara entah dari mana*

ss chara: do you hear that?

epic: what bruh??

cross: you know right skeleton don't have any ears- brakk*author muncul dari jendela langsung mukul kepala cross*

author: who... say... that.... sentence....

ss chara: mereka berdua *nunjuk epic dan cross yang pingsan*

epic: ohh bruh kita mulai sekarang pertarungan meme *jaketnya berubah seketika*

author: i don't scared hehe

epic: alright her we go *memegang ayam karet*

epic&author: *angkat tangan main suit*

ronde 1

author 1

epic 0

ronde 2

author 1

epic 1

ronde 3 (final)

author 1

epic 2

author: NANI?!!!?!

epic: i win bruh

author: not yet *mukul epic pake kaki*

epic: w-wait?!! *menghindar* kisama!! i tell you that useless *tangan berbentuk 'ok'*

author: N-NANI??!!!

*ada kilatan lalu dinding roboh dan debu asap dimana-mana*

ss chara: my room!!!!

epic: heh.. i win bruhh

author: not yet

epic: bakana why you still alive br- *terkejut ketika berbalik melihat author* n-no that my secret attack

author: hhehe dats right*tangan seperti kerucut*

epic: i don't know how you learn that

author: easy only meme outmatched bruh heh

epic: *GHAPS*

author: now it's my turn...!

epic: rip :"I

author: BOI!!! *menurunkan tanganya sebelah dengan lantang*

cross: not now dude HYPER SHIELD dude *ngedap*

pppyyyyyuuuunnggg... *gak kena epic dan cross*

author: you two little sh*t, but this is over *menyalakan matanya*

epic: oh no she will use it! come on bruh

author: i will end you two right now *INHALES* .... BOI!

epic: BOI!!! *menggunakan jurus yang sama*

cross: HYPER SHIELD *secara bersamaan*









epic,cross,author: arrghh *berdiri*

semua kecuali mereka ber-3: who wanna pay this all?! *melihat kearah mereka bertiga*

author,epic,cross: *melihat rumeh yang hancur oleh ulah mereka bertiga*

ink: and author are you really will be have a child?

author: w-wat da fak ofcours nahh -__- 

epic: see yaa bruh *teleport*

cross hehe later... *teleport juga*

author: w-WAIT DON'T LEA- *diikat error* hehehe

semua kecuali author, epic, cross: TANGGUNG JAWAB!!!

author: alright-alright :") wat must i do?

ink: just help me to draw this house again and other funiture

author: that easy *dilepaskan error*

ink: we start

author: w-wait *chough* *chough* i-i have a problem i think.... *merasa kesakitan* *chough* *chough* *run go to shurbs*

blue: apa dia kabur?

ink: i don't no


author: *berhenti di sebuah pohon besar* *chough* *CHOUGH*   bleh    *puke*    tadi benar-benar menguras tenaga... gw udah kelewatan batas... d-dan pasti di sekitar reruntuhan rumah ada obat ku... hhuufff.. hufff... s-sh*t... calm down i must calm down don't do anything stupid....

a few second later~

author: alright! i must come back! *teleport*

ink: datang juga ayo bantu kita harus selesaikan malam ini juga 

author: tapi barang-barang yang digambar yang dibutuhkan untuk malam ini aja ya?

ink: boleh sisanya yang gak terlalu penting dan yang lain besok

error: hP gW?!!

ink: ada di kantong mu

error: *mengecek kantong lalu menemukan hpnya* wHo PuT in TheRe?!!

ink:kau sendiri *liatin error*

error:.... aPA kaU lIaT- LiAT?!!

ink: gak da!

undertale au tribut with author 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang