Part I

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Authors POV

Lies in the YG building, 4 girls walked out of the practice room and gone to there rightful dorm.

"Ahhh, why does practice has to be about guns and not swords?" Ask the frustrated Lisa.

"Well surely I'm not complaining, I won't have to learn about weapons!" Said Jisoo smirking.

"Yah, unnie studying is boring, how could you like it?" Pouted Lisa.

"Lisa, she's an expert at hacking. So, she needs to study all about it." Explained Rosé.

"Easy for you to say Chaeng, you're all about big guns like snipers and stuff." Said Jennie crossing her arms which causes Rosé to pout.

On there way to their dorm, they stumbled their appa's secretary.

"Annyahaeseo, Chae Lin unnie!" All the 4 girls greeted.

"Annyeong, girls because you're already here, CEO nim ordered you four to go to his office now." CL said looking at her clipboard before turning away to the opposite direction.

"Oh ok.." Muttered Rosé.

They started walking to the office.

"Why does appa need us to go to his office instead of giving a call?" Asked Lisa.

"I'm not sure, but maybe it's important for him to forced us to go there.." Rant Jisoo.

"Ugh..maybe the old man is just lazy?" Yelled Jennie.

" can't just call him old man and lazy, our appa is stronger than you think he is!" Argued Rosé.

"Whatever.." Sigh Jennie.

And they arrived at the office. Opening the door to see their appa sitting all mighty in his black leather chair, and dressed in a neatly black suit.

"Ah! Welcome girls, take a seat!" He applaud.

The girls went to their sits and look at the CEO urging him to continue.

"Alright, I called you here to inform you about a new task!" He said looking at his computer screen.

"Just what task is it, appa?" Asked the curious Lisa.

"Well, I want you four to keep an eye on seven boys that are attending in a far school from here!" He continued..
"So in order to spy on them, I enrolled you to the school and you're going to start at Friday."

Then silenced filled the room until..

"Appa, are those boys important to you?" Asked Rosé.

"Yes..but, not important to me. Their dangerous, and all I'm saying is for you to protect them from harm, understood?!" He replied with a more scarier aura. Making the four girls shift uncomfortably and immediately nodded their heads understanding the mission they were given. They excused their selves to go back to their dorm. While the girls were halfway walking out, the ceo whispered something to his self. Making sure that the girls wouldn't hear him.

'I'm so sorry my daughters..'

'Sigh..what kind of father are you to forced your daughters into this...?' He asked himself.

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