Part XI

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It was a rather rainy day at the Sunbrooke village. There were folks who were running around — trying to get shelter, kids skipping back to home, and farmers that aimlessly tried to shield their seeds from being ruined by the rain.

Sunbrooke village was a peaceful land where there are only 46 adults and 21 children living there. The village was poor but the folks were certainly kind.  Almost all of them don't have a promising future and with they're lack of finances, they can only do so much. They can only hope for the best.

In a small house, a blonde haired child in the age of 7 was leaning on the window stool and resting her face on her hands. She was gazing on the water drops of the rain as it pours violently to her village. "Nothing new" She muttered.

"Yah! Lisa unnie!" A tiny figure which looked to be a dark haired girl called and waved her small hand back and forth.

"Hm? What's up Tzuyu-ah" The blonde faced the girl who is called Tzuyu and ran beside the grinning figure.

"Come, I want to show you a cool place I found." Tzuyu grabbed Lisa's arms and maked both of them ran outside of the house.

They ran and ran and Lisa was starting to worry. They are getting far away from the village with not even saying a word to their parents.

"Tzuyu, I think we should run back. Mum and dad are gonna be so worried." The blonde begged

"No! Besides we're already here." The dark haired stop on her tracks, pointing at a crooked tree which branches was reaching the ground, covered by green watery leaves. Lisa lift her left eyebrow, curious and watch the other girl getting near the leaves.

"Wait, what if it's poisoned?"

"Stop creating false accusations, it's fine!" Then, Tzuyu crouched to the leaves and pull the branch making it expose an old looking door. Upon this, Tzuyu grasp her necklace and point it on the keyhole of the door. Both of their eyes shot open when the door suddenly opened and a bright light glimmer from the inside.

Tzuyu took the first steps forward leaving Lisa still amused.

"Wait! Tzuyu-ah!" She rush forward gripping on her shoulder and closing her eyes.

"See.. It's pretty!"

Lisa fought her consciousness and slowly open her eyelids. The sight before her tiny body was indeed pretty — it was like a whole new world for her. Unlike the horrible weather back at the village, this area was full of color. There were birds chirping across the area, the sunlight was reflecting off of the blue Lake which seemed to shimmer from a distance, the area was surrounded by many natural corners of green. There was different types of trees, bushes, and greenery it almost seemed like mother nature herself sculpted this place with her own hands. It was colorful and beautiful.

"Hey, Lisa come here!" Tzuyu, who was already sitting just beside the lake made a hand gesture to the blonde. Both of them took in the view around but Lisa was just to curious.

"How did you find this place?"

"Just by wandering around, nothing special." She chuckled

"Nothing special? This place is the most beautiful view I've ever seen, it's very special. And.. How did your necklace unlock the door?" For a second, Tzuyu's seemed shock but the expression was quickly wiped with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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