Part VII

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After we arrived back to the castle, we set down the girls in the living room and for not to long, they began to wake up.

"Ugh.. Where are we?" The blonde-haired asked, followed by the others.

We opened our masks and faced them.

"W-what? You!?" They exclaimed. Right before they try to beat us up, Namjoon hyung spoke.

"Okay, okay hold on. Let's talk this out for a little bit."

The four girls anxiously nodded.

"'Kay.. You girls are our blood pets and you are assigned to protect us in all cost." He continued.

"No shit, sherlock." The brunette-haired girl rolled her eyes.

"And you all have to live with us in here."

"So, we stay in your room?"

"Well, where else!?" I said.

"We'll just pick, I pick... red head!" Jimin hyung said while dragging the girl to his room.

"I pick Jisoo!"

"I'll pick the bitch."

Well, guess I'm stuck with the silver girl. I walk closer to her and said

"Just to let you know, I'm not interested in you."

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gh! I am so mad at Taehyung!! No, not because he called me 'bitch' out there, but it's because he is so annoying!

Basically this is what happened,

I was at Taehyung's room setting myself down on the bed. Then I see him coming to the room.

"You could've just called me by my name, you know?" I said, rolling my eyes. He ignored me and finished off whatever he is doing. I got so mad at it. So I stand beside the bed, my hands both holding my hips in a sassy way.

"If you keep acting like this, I'm just gonna sleep in the living room!" I said without a second thought and reach for the door. He got up and faced me,

"Do whatever you want to do, I couldn't care less." He spoke coldly. I grunted and open the door, slamming it when I got out.

'Good for nothing asshole!!'

Sigh.. Whatever at least I'm alone. Once I got to the living room sofa, I made myself comfortable while checking my phone from my pocket.

1 hour later..

It's getting late so I decide to get a blanket and pillow from Namjoon and since he's a great guy, he let me borrow it. Then I tried to sleep even with the most awkward position. I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep.

Dammit! I can't sleep!

I give up and decided to just look at my phone. Then Lisa showed up and went to the kitchen. I guess she didn't see me.

"Lisa!" I shouted making her turn around with a shock face.

"Unnie? What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at Tae oppa's room?" She asked holding the milk carton in her hand.

"Well I guess I was supposed to be, but me and him had a little fight.." I look at the ground feeling that I was guilty all this time. I mean I'm the one who started it.

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