Part X

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I couldn't sleep pass the night, my mind was just wondering about her blood. My mouth watered even just thinking about the addicting liquid. Surprisingly, Lisa's blood is somewhat more delicious than Tzuyu's. Her blood is more hotter and fresher, and it is similar with red wine. When her blood was running down my throat it felt like an electric shock was running down my body. Is it possible that she is my long lost mate? She gotta be because, damn.. her blood is just.. wow!

I look at the clock on my phone and it is just 3 AM. I scratch my head and went to the bathroom. I turn on the lights and look at my reflection on the mirror. And yes.. an ordinary vampire can not be seen on mirrors or photos but because I'm a pure vampire, I can be seen. My mouth is covered with the blood from before, my hair is messy, and my eyes are transforming to a red color.

I turn on the sink and wipe my face with the water. I don't even recognize myself. I wiped my face with my towel and went back to the room. I took a glance at Lisa and finally saw her features up close. To be honest she looks beautiful and cute when she's sleeping tightly, she looks like a doll I could easily play with. She was snoring a little bit, I guess she's really tired.

I chuckled as she cursed in her sleep, must be having a dream. I didn't have the mood to sleep anymore so I just played with my phone, besides vampires aren't supposed to sleep in night time.

I casually scroll down my feed and out of nowhere I felt a hand grab my arm. I look to the side and Lisa was hugging my right arm while she's smiling in her sleep. I smiled at her cute face but shook my head after and focused on my phone again.

A buzzed sound awoke me and I scroll to my front page where a message was placed above.


I'm back!

Huh? Unknown..?

I deleted the message because, what if it's just a chaotic fan that got my number? I felt hungry and decided to just go to the kitchen to get some snacks.

I turn on the dim lights from the living room, which connects to the kitchen. I grab myself some banana milk and cookies from the fridge, I felt a little bored so I just sat myself down on the sofa and turn on the TV. I settled with a channel and drunk my banana milk as I watch it.

Then I felt a presence coming from the stairs to the living room.

"Yah! Kook, not going to sleep?" I turn my head to the voice and met Jimin hyung facing me with a shock faced.

"Nah.. I've been thinking a lot lately,  so I don't really want to sleep." I said lazily as I rested my feet on the couch.

Jimin hyung sat next to me and also watch the TV, drinking a soda while he's at it. I furrowed my eyebrows, why is he not sleeping? Sure Jimin hyung's got phobia of not being able to sleep at properly at night, but why does he suddenly goes down stairs? He usually just stare at the stars from his balcony.

"Why did you go downstairs? I mean I know you can't sleep, but why not stare at the stars?" I asked and he just shrug his shoulders.

"Hyung!" I said as my tone of voice got louder. He sigh and put the empty can of coke on the side.

"It's that girl, that's supposed to protect me. Her smell is just.. making me crazy! I want to bite every inch of her, but sadly I just can't. I don't want to hurt her, you know." He looked sadly at the floor. I understand how Jimin hyung feels, he doesn't want to hurt anyone because he might be afraid that his demon self would awaken, again..

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