Part V

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The girls were all awoke and getting ready. Lisa told the unnie's about CL's text a while ago and they planned to go to the place where they're going to attack. Though, the boys however were getting ready for school. They don't realize that someone was following them from the start. And pledge to make them theirs.


The weather from the castle was gloomy as usual, as I was leaning on the balconies railing starring at the night sky that was full of bright sparkling stars. However, I was always thinking about that red haired girl I met in her balcony. Her scent. Her emotions. Her touch. Her warmth. Her purity that hides in her eyes. Her eveything.

It all seem familiar to her.

I mean, she is definitely different to Dahyun and her blood is bitter. And above all I was still in my wolf form at that. But my senses told me that she was the one. She was my long lost mate...

"Yah! Jimin!"

I rolled my eyes as I turned to the person who ruined my thoughts about the one girl. As I came to view at him, I gave him an annoyed look signaling him that I was not in the mood to talk.

"Aish! Don't look at your hyung like that!" Jin hyung said glaring at me with gritted teeth.

I can't blame him though, I was always making everyone around me mad and annoyed with just a single look. And I'm afraid that the girl is gonna have some issues dealing with me about it.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." I said avoiding his gaze and continued looking at the sky with a straight face. I heard him sigh beside me and draw circles on my back reassuring me that he didn't mean to start an argument.

"Well I just wanna ask you, why didn't you go down to have breakfast? As far as I know that little tummy of yours is growling for food."

I just answered him a simple "I'm not hungry."

He chuckled at my statement and patted my head.

"I know I can't force you so, just get ready for school. We don't want to be late just because of you."

I nodded my head and waited until he left the room. When I heard the door closed, I walk slowly to my room and closed the balcony door with a silent thud. I began showering, putting on my clothes, and brushing the last bit of hair. I looked at the mirror with a satisfied look and began going downstairs.

Jimin's bedroom:

~•~j u n g k σ σ k~•~

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j u n g k σ σ k

I woke up a little bit to early 'cause I had a night mare about something...

I wouldn't partially explain every detail of it, but all I know is that it's about my future. Anyways it is 05.50 Am and we're all seated in the dining table eating our breakfast that Jin hyung cook. I noticed that him and Jimin is not here yet. As if the heavens heard me, out came Jimin hyung all dressed up and walking to the chair next to me. With curiosity, I tap his elbow making him look at me weirdly.

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