Part VI

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From the whole entire class time, I was just staring at Seokjin. The one that I have to protect and be his blood pet. I'll be honest, I've known Sana from way back. She is one of my childhood friends before dad died..

She told me all the basics of him. How he loves to call himself handsome, and brag about his lame dad jokes. He also likes cooking, and that is a big turn off of me. I never had specialties about cooking. The only thing I could practically do is, cook instant ramen or cook an egg. The worries from the back of my head had become an urgent request. I asked Sana if I could have Seokjin on my own. I'm not wrong.. I'm just selfish. Sana likes him ever since she had become his blood pet.


"It's fine Jisoo unnie! I'll...move on from him, as hard as I can try!"
Hearing those words made joy across my eyes, and a guilty and pity feeling in my heart. I hugged Sana enough to tell her that I'm happy with her choice.

"Thank you Sana! And I promise that I will take care of Seokjin!" She nodded and point her pinky at me.


I lifted my pinky and hugged it around hers.

"I promise!"


Sigh... she is counting on me to protect him.. How am I going to say that I actually is feeling something towards him? I'll be kissing my ass goodbye by the time I have courage to tell her. Fyi, Sana isn't only a kind girl, but she has a strength of a demon! And I'm a ghost. I have no match to fight her, not even if I wanted too.

Right now, the lessons are over and I was getting ready to exit the classroom. Until I saw Jennie staring off to space. I walked in front of her and snapped my fingers just 1-inch close to her eyes.

"Yah! Jen!"

"W-what?" She asked while fidgeting her gaze at me.

"You are in a trends again.." I sit myself at the seat beside her and patted her head.

"Ugh.. don't remember that father of yours. It's not even your fault.."

Worrying about Lisa, Jennie, and Rosé is always the first thing that I have to do. These three are like my real little sisters. And that is my problem. I worry about other people than myself. I can't consider myself kind, in fact I never did call any nice names to myself. I would always blame myself for the littlest things that I did wrong. 

"Unnie.. You've never really explain anything about your past." She asked.

I looked at her confused as to why she suddenly asked me to explain about my past.

"Didn't appa already told you girls..?"

"Um.. A little bit. But I'm just curious, are you really dead, unnie...?" I looked at Jennie at disbelief. Knowing that, I won't be able to answer that question is a serious matter. I perhaps she was startled at my reaction and shook her head.

"Unnie it's alright if you don't want t-"

I cutted her off making eye contact as fast as a hawk. I sigh and rub my eyes.

"I'll be happy to tell you the whole story."


"Papa! Please don't die.."

There I was sobbing holding the bed sheets of my dad's soon rotten body. The Cheng Hospital. From the morning, I watch my dad being carried by tons of medics to an ambulance. I hold my mom's hand tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I faced up to her.

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