Chapter 11

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Rachel and Chloe than hold hands together. Tim doesn't quite get it yet. But soon it hits him in the face.

Tim- Oh you're......

Rachel- Yes.

Chloe- we are a couple.

Tim- wow, I never would have thought that you both were gay.

Rachel- Well not really.

Tim- what?

Chloe- Well we swing both ways.

Tim- oh so your Bi Bi Bi.

Rachel and Chloe laugh at the reference to NSYNC song Bye Bye bye

Chloe- Yeah, me and Rachel are Bisexual.

Rachel- Is that a problem.

Tim- no it's all good.

The girls smile and ask Tim if he wants to join them at their house for dessert. Tim is about to answer, when his cellphone goes off.

Tim- Wait hold on.

He than answers the Phone

Tim- Yellow.

Unknown- Hi Tim, remember me?

Tim- Shit Sera?

Sera- yeah are you busy right now?

Tim- Um well yeah. Listen I will call you back in five minutes ok.

Sera- Ok sure.

She hangs up.

Tim- Maybe next time girls, sorry somethings come up.

Rachel- Is everything ok?

Tim- Sure just family stuff.

Chloe- Ok, but Tim you owe us dessert.

Tim- Don't worry.

Chloe- Oh Tim, you will keep this whole me and Rachel dating to yourself right?

Tim- My Lips are sealed.

Rachel- Thanks Tim.

Chloe pulls Tim in and gives him a hug.

Chloe- You really are a good friend Tim.

She than Kisses him on the cheek.

Tim- So everyone keeps telling me. Lol

With that, they part ways and leave. The next evening Chloe and Rachel are sitting at the lighthouse (Like in the Game) and are wondering why Tim had asked them to come here at this time on such short notice.

Rachel- Urgh Where is he?

Chloe- He will be here soon baby.

Rachel- Yeah I know, it's just my favorite show Private Practice is on tonight and I don't want to miss it.

Chloe- Relax Rach, I'm sure you will have time to see it.

Rachel- yeah, so what do you think he wants to show us?

Chloe- Not sure, Maybe he wants to talk about us well being together?

Rachel- What makes you say that?

Chloe- well I thought he looked sort of hurt when we told him.

Rachel- really I just saw that as just being surprised.

Chloe- Maybe, but I can't help but wonder?

The two hold hands and start flirting and kissing.

Tim- Well isn't this romantic, two people in love with a nice beautiful sunset in the background for good measure.

Chloe/Rachel- Tim!

Tim- Hey girls.

Rachel- How long have you been there?

Tim- just a few seconds.

Chloe- Good, because If you were there any longer, I would have assumed that you were playing with your snake.

The two bust out laughing.

Tim- Well, I'm not that type of guy to do that.

Rachel- AW, a real gentleman!

Chloe- Not to many of them left.

Tim- Yeah well, what can you do lol.

Rachel- So Tim what did you drag us out here for?

Tim- Well, I want you to meet someone.

Tim turns around, looking down the trail and says.

Tim- You can come up now.

Just than Sera walks up the hill, and makes her way to Tim. Sera than looks to Rachel and starts to lightly cry since the last time she saw her, she was a baby. Nowhere that same baby is nearly 16. She puts on a small smile. Chloe and Rachel are shocked and surprised to see her here. Chloe thought that she had left town but she guesses that Tim talked some sense into her.

Tim- Rachel say hello to Sera, your birth mother.

Rachel gets up and walks slowly to Sera. They are now a meter from each other. Rachel than hugs her mom and cries.

Rachel- Hi Mom.

Sera- Hi Rachel, You have certainly grown up a lot.

Rachel- Yes I have.

The two continue to hug as Chloe smiles and then looks to Tim.

Chloe- You are truly a box full of surprises Tim.

Tim- That I am Chloe, That I am, but mainly I never like to break a promise to a friend.

Chloe hugs Tim tightly and smiles at Rachel finally seeing her birth mom Sera.

Tim- You know, (He whispered to Chloe) I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

LIFE IS STRANGE BEFORE THE ROMANCE Chloe x Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now