Chapter 19

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Time skip to January 22, 2012 (Three months until Rachel Disappears)

Tim is in Mr. Jefferson's Class. He decided to take this class because he needs an elective. Even though students love that a famous person has been offered to teach here at Blackwell, Tim has a very odd feeling about him. There is something about him that he does not trust. Tim does not like the class but he is passing it. Also in the class are Brooke Scott, Nathan Prescott, Rachel Amber, Evan Harris, two unnamed girls, and two unnamed boys. One of the boys hits Tim with a note that reads "Hypno Faker". Nathan laughs and that gets Mark's attention.

Jefferson- Nathan, if you have a joke, feel free to share it.

Nathan- Oh, I just saw Tim reading something, and not paying attention to what you were saying.

Rachel- Nathan!

Nathan- hey, I'm just speaking the truth.

Tim- Whatever Nathan, why do you even care?

Nathan- I don't.

Tim- than why did you even bother to let Mr. Jefferson know if you did not care?

An unnamed boy who hit Tim with that note is starting to regret what he did.

Jefferson- Ok that's enough boys. Tim, I do not like it when students are not paying attention to my teachings.

Tim-I was doing no such thing.

Jefferson- Really than what was I talking about before Nathan laughed.

Tim pauses for a moment and speaks

Tim- You were talking about the Daguerreian Process and how it was a very common used process until 1860 when it was replaced by Ambrotypes, since people discovered that daguerreotypes were both more expensive and harder to produce.

The room is silent; Nathan looks upset that he will not get Tim in any trouble.

Tim- You were about to say that daguerreotypes have made a comeback.

Jefferson-Um Yes.

Tim- To which was in the '60s to now. However, that is more for the style and not the reliability it had during its golden years.

That stuns everyone in the class.

Jefferson- Well, clearly someone has been doing there research. Nice work Tim.

Tim- No problem.

Rachel gives Tim a smile as if to say "Impressive Tim"

Fast-forward to April 24, 2012. Rachel Amber is now declared a missing person after not being seen for two days. This whole thing hits Chloe the hardest. It got so bad that Chloe got expelled From Blackwell for not showing up and not paying attention in class. This upset her mother and stepfather a lot. But during all of this time, there was one person, who Chloe knew she could count on. That person was Tim. During that time the two have gotten closer and their feelings for each other have grown, but they don't tell that to each other.

Things got really hard for Chloe on Rachel's birthday which was on July 22. Rachel would be 19, but instead of having a party, Chloe and Tim have spent the day posting missing person's posters around Arcadia Bay and the surrounding areas near it. At 4:15 they have called it a day and Tim takes Chloe to her house.

Tim- You know, you can spend the night with me if you want to.

Chloe- That's very sweet of you Tim, but I'm good. Just want some me time.

Tim- I know, well you know I'm here in case you need to talk.

Chloe-Thanks (she says with a soft smile.)

LIFE IS STRANGE BEFORE THE ROMANCE Chloe x Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now