Chapter 17

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Tim- Come on girls, watch your step.

Chloe- Take me back.

Rachel- I was not finished drinking.

Tim- oh, yes you both are done drinking. We are checking into a motel for the night.

Chloe- Did you see the kitty cat, Tim.

Tim- There was no cat.

Rachel- he's just pulling your leg, there totally was a kitty.

Chloe- let's go back and give that kitty cat one last pet.

Tim- Girls, Come on let's go.

(Tim leads the girls to his car after the Bartender, told the girls that they have had enough to drink and asked Tim to take them away.)

The girls then make drunken laughs.

Chloe- And I curse your Penis to fly like a bird.

Rachel- No like a beautiful blue-winged Butterfly.

Tim then gets the two girls into the car and with that, he drives off to a motel which is about a 20-minute drive, But It will feel so much longer than that.

(Three Minutes into the drive)

Chloe- Do you know where the muffin man lives?

Tim- No I don't.

Rachel- Can you tell me where he lives?

Tim- urgh.

Chloe- You have to tell us where he lives Tim.

Rachel- If you don't he might die!!!!!!

Tim- ladies, just try and calm down, please.


Tim- Oh god, it's Drury Lane. There you happy?

Rachel- Yippy, Tim has saved the day.

Chloe- Now make your way to Drury Lane, so that we can save him from certain death.

Tim- oh my.

Chloe and Rachel start making howling dog noises

Tim- Oh this is great. Now I have to deal with two wild dogs.

The girls barking and howling gets louder.

Tim- Oh Stop it now, do you not want your nightly treat, because that is what will happen if you keep that up.

Chloe and Rachel make a sad dog noise.

(Six minutes into the drive)

Chloe- Timmy, please I want to go back and pet the kitty Cat.

Tim- oh my, we have been over this.

Rachel- Timmy, honey please don't deprive us of seeing that cute kitty cat.

Tim- There was no Kitty.

Chloe/Rachel- (crying) I just want to pet that cute little creature. Please Timmy!

Tim- It was a chair.

Chloe/Rachel- What?

Tim- That kitty cat was just a chair. The two of you were petting and holding the chair like it was a cat. Then when one guy asked for that chair to sit on, you both went crazy and were defending it by petting and holding it, and talking to it in a soft baby voice.

Rachel- You need to get that butterfly off your head.

Chloe- Butterfly, I command you to become a cute kitty cat.

Tim- Oh, help me.

(12 minutes into the drive)

Chloe- That Fucking Bartender was such a party pooper.

Rachel- yeah we hella should have stayed in there. No one bosses the Sexy Chloe Price and the Amazing Rachel Amber around.

Chloe-Hella yes, next time I will for sure give him a back talk, if I can stand up without falling over.

With that, the two girls laugh and start making out hardcore. Tim is happy that they have at least stopped talking about the chair cat.

(14 minutes into the drive)

Rachel- Are you getting hard Tim. Watching us make-out?

Tim doesn't answer

Chloe- So how is your sex life Tim?

Tim-Let's just say, my snake has not entered a hole for a while.

Rachel/Chloe- aww, Poor Tim's Dick.

Tim- yeah, it's so tragic.

Rachel- Chloe check and see if the snake is growing?

Chloe- Well I can see four large objects in that area. So he must be hard to see us.

Rachel- sweet, live a little Tim. We will help you find a girl.

Chloe- hey who knows, maybe the three of us can share in some action together.

Rachel- Oh, Chloe that sounds like a great Idea.

Chloe- I know, I come up with some great ideas.

The two then go on kissing. Then soon they make it to the motel. Tim pays for a room and the room is right outside from where he has his car parked. Tim first gets Rachel and gets her into the room and gets her on the bed. She then smiles and gives Tim a huge hug as if she was hugging her favorite Teddy Bear.

Rachel- Oh Tim, you are a very special person.

Tim- Yeah I know.

Tim goes and gets Chloe and brings her into the room. Chloe than gives Tim a kiss on his cheek.

Chloe- You are very hella lucky to be friends with us, my sweet Lovely Sexy Timmy.

Tim- I sure am.

Chloe- Rachel, I'm ready to start.

Rachel- Come on over here and give me some sugar baby.

The two girls start making out and soon their clothes are off and Tim heads into his car to sleep for the night.

LIFE IS STRANGE BEFORE THE ROMANCE Chloe x Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now