Chapter 12

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Time skip to a week after the events where Rachel found out her father was behind trying to get sera killed and after Tim hypnotized Rachel. Rachel has dinner with Rose and they have a chat about how they are doing and well stuff women talk about. After that, she heads off to bed and talks to Chloe for a bit. Rachel explains that she got hypnotized by Tim and that it was for real. Chloe is happy that she did it and can't wait to see the video itself.

Rachel- Hey how about you and me watch the video tomorrow at my house, Tim said it will be on YouTube tomorrow.

Chloe- Sounds like a date, Can't wait to see what you did lol.

Rachel- well I remember certain bits.

Chloe- alright Night Baby, I love you.

Rachel- Love you too. Night.

Time skip to the next day at 1:00 pm, Chloe has just arrived at Rachel's home. She greets Rose and kisses Rachel hello. The two girls head up to Rachel's room, where she has the Video on YouTube all set and just needs to hit play. The couple then sit on the bed and start watching the video. During the hour long video, Chloe is asking Rachel if she remembers certain bits. They first see that part where Rachel thinks that she is a famous model.

Chloe- Oh my god Rachel, very sexy.

Rachel- Hella Sexy, you mean.

(In the video Rachel is a Model Skit)

Tim- These are some great pictures that I am getting Rachel.

Hypnotized Rachel- I sure hope so.

Tim- Well you seem like you're a natural.

Hypnotized Rachel- Thank you, Tim. This is fun. Oh, would you send me the copies of the pictures to me.

Tim- Of course Rachel.

Hypnotized Rachel-oh you're the best Tim. I have a feeling these will stand out in my portfolio.

Tim- I'm sure they will.

(End of Skit)

Rachel shows Chloe the pictures and they both say they look great.

Chloe- do you remember doing that?

Rachel- No, not at all. But I do remember this next bit though.

(In the video Rachel sees her favorite Movie star skit)

The hypnotized Rachel looks at Tim and she goes all fangirl on him. Saying that she loves his movies and that he is cuter in real life. She hugs him and gives him gives kisses while she is taking a few selfies of herself and her "Movie Star".

(End of Skit)

Chloe- Think you were getting a little crazy there Rachel?

Rachel- Hey, If you saw your favorite Movie star in person, would you just say "Oh yeah, cool, pass the salt please."

Chloe- ah I guess you have a point there.

Rachel- Don't worry Chloe, I love you more than any movie star out there.

Chloe- Stop your making me blush.

(In the video Rachel is an Alien being interviewed by Tim)

Tim is asking about Rachel's alien life and she explains that she is an "Asari" from the Mass Effect series.

(End of Skit)

Chloe- you have no memory of that.

Rachel- No I don't.

Chloe- Well, guess you must be a Mass Effect fan.

Rachel- Guilty as charged.

(In the video Rachel is a famous movie Star being interviewed by Tim)

Rachel shakes Tim's hand and they both sit down. Tim asks her how many movies she has been in.

Rachel-oh about two dozen just finished my most recent movie it's called "The Hero's Fallen". It is about this woman who is sent back in time to fix a huge wrong in her life, but finds out that one change can have big consequences.

Tim-ha well I see, I'm sure every one of us has had that moment where we wish we could go and undo. , But if we did that then we would not have learned a lesson that came with that mistake.

Rachel-yeah I agree, I mean I have some things that I wish I could fix but for all I know I may not be here talking to you right now.

Both Laugh. They go on talking about some other movies that she likes. Tim than snaps his fingers which makes the hypnotized movie star Rachel pause and look a little nervous.

Tim-Rachel are you good?

Rachel- um yes, um Tim can I ask you something?

Tim- sure MS amber what is it.

Rachel- well I have been moving around all day and I was wondering if while you interview me you could.....well massage my feet????

She says with a hopeful smile.

Tim- well would not want to disappoint a star; he removes Rachel's shoes and socks and massages her feet.

Rachel- oh ah damn you really know what you're doing.

Tim- yes, it's a gift and the interview goes on.

(End of Skit)

Chloe- Oh my God, Rachel that was so good.

Rachel- Yeah, I guess I really do have a big imagination.

Chloe-Hella yeah.

Rachel- well, you know what it was a great experience.

Chloe- So would you do it again?

Rachel- Hella yes.

Chloe- Well who knows I may try it one day.

With that, the girls lay down and cuddle for a while.

Chloe- Hey Rachel.

Rachel- yeah?

Chloe- You know I wish that things had turned out better for you and your family.

Rachel- Yeah, me too Chloe, me too.

Chloe- Do you wish I hadn't told you the truth?

Rachel looks to Chloe with a look of "Are you out of your mind"

Chloe- It's just well.

Rachel- Don't worry Chloe, All I wanted was the truth. I would rather have the truth than live a lie for the rest of my days.

Chloe smiles, knowing that she did the right thing.

Chloe- Hey, are you up for a free dessert tonight?

Rachel- Oh you mean food or well (Rachel smirks)

Chloe- well I was talking about Food, but now that you mention it how about both.

Rachel- Sounds good to me. Just have to make a call.

Chloe gets her Cellphone out and makes a call.

Tim- Hello.

Chloe- Oh Timmy, me and Rachel were wondering, we both are in the mood for a special dessert.

Rachel- yeah, the one that is free.

Tim- What time?

Chloe and Rachel look at each other and decide.

Chloe- how's 8 pm?

Tim- Sounds good, I'll meet you at your favorite dessert place.

Rachel/Chloe- sweet, Thank you, Timmy, Love you, you're the best.

Tim- No problem girls, see you then. Bye.

Rachel/Chloe- bye Tim, kisses.

LIFE IS STRANGE BEFORE THE ROMANCE Chloe x Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now