Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    "So..." Junette began, "how's your morning so far?"

    Lupe knew what was coming. Junette always begins a conversation in a singsong way when she's about to poke fun at her.

    "Okay." Lupe answered, dreading where the conversation was going.

    "Just okay, huh?" Melody said, stifling a giggle.

    "Aiken is so yummy!" Junette continued. "Like fresh pandesal bread yummy, don't you think?"

    "Wrong! He's pan de coco yummy!" Melody chimed in.

    "Oh wow! This adobo is really good!" Lupe said, pretending she's more interested with her lunch than talking about Aiken. Her friends caught on, giggling.

    "Jeez, you're blushing!" Junette continued the barrage.

    "Lupe and Aiken sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Junette and Melody sang a silly nursery rhyme that the three friends once saw in an American movie.

    "Ano ba? Shush!"

    Junette and Melody always teased Lupe about some stupid thing like Lupe's habit of buying Hello Kitty merchandise or when Lupe snorts when she laughs. But it was the first time the two teased her about a boy and she didn't know how to deal with it.

    "It's not like anybody can hear us." Melody said matter-of-factly.

    It's true, the school cafeteria was always like a circus during lunchtime but this time the canteen seemed much more hectic than usual. For starters, there were all the girls giggling and teasing each other while trying to catch a glimpse of Aiken who's eating alone in a far corner.

    "It's mental in here!" Junette said over a particular loud giggles coming from a group of freshmen girls.

    It seemed to Lupe that almost every girl has the same kilig reaction upon seeing Aiken, it was like an epidemic of kilig really; the cacophony of sounds varied from girls' loud giggles to outright screaming-in-delight reserved for teen idol celebrities.

    "Incoming!" Melody said, plugging her ears with her pointer fingers.

    As if on cue, a particular group of pretty cheerleaders erupted in unison upon seeing Aiken, saying Ow-M-G! a lot.

    "Poor guy, maybe we should comfort Aiken." Junette decided.

    "We should. Tara!" Melody agreed. Before even Lupe could react, her two girlfriends were already walking up to Aiken's table carrying their lunch trays.

    Lupe meekly followed. Only Junette and Melody could do something that bold. Maybe the prettiest and smartest of all, these pair of towering mestizas were the crush of every boy and the envy of every girl in school. Her friends were already done introducing themselves to Aiken before Lupe reached the three.

Lupe and The God of the Turbulent Seas (Original First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now