Reea's pov

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The next day after I was finished with my classes I was walking home I felt like I was being watched so when I turned around there was no one so I  started to increase my pace and reached my apartment . After I reached inside my apartment I locked the door and went to take a shower. After I finished showering I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt when I was coming out of the bathroom I heard Someone knocking so I went to see who it was. I opened the door and found no one except a gift box so I picked it up and I started to open it inside there was a note . I picked it up and started to unfold the note but when I started to read a chill went down my spine and I dropped the letter. It read
Roses are red
Violets are blue and
Who is going to die
next because of you
It brought back memories of that day that I have been trying to avoid. The day where I lost the love of my life. I started to cry because it was hard for me to forget that day which changed everything for me.
I received a call at around midnight so when I picked up the phone to see who it was. It was Aaron ,my boyfriend I was confused as to why he was calling me at midnight but picked up the call when I picked up the call his breathing was ragged and when I went to ask where he was he told me he was stuck in middle of nowhere so I asked him whether he knows or can see anything nearby to know the location and he told me a I took my car keys and put on my coat over my pajamas and started driving. When I reached there I started to call out for him but he was nowhere to be found and after a few minutes of walking I came across a body Laying on the ground and when I went near it to see who it was . A high pitched scream left my mouth since it was none other than Aaron lying on the ground with blood seeping from his body and so I immediately called  for the ambulance and waited there . His breathing was ragged and I was scared of losing him so I kept telling him to hold on. After the ambulance arrived they got the stretcher out to lay Aaron in it and they took him to the hospital and after they took him I called his parents to inform them about Aaron's condition . I got in my car to go to the hospital and when I reached the hospital I ran inside and went straight to the receptionist to know what was going on . When I was going towards the receptionist I saw Aaron's parents so I went towards them instead . When his mother saw me she started crying I didn't know what else to do so I just hugged her and told her it would be alright but one thing I didn't know was that was the last time I will be seeing Aaron ever.

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