Aaron's pov

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I received a call from the person who was supposed to be watching over Reea saying that she was kidnapped. After hearing that I threw my phone across the room since I was supposed to be protecting her and that's the main reason why I had to stay away from her because the person who attacked me clearly threatened about hurting Reea. I called one of my friends to find any information about her. Before I thought about who would do this since I am coming up blank about who could be this and my men working on this case couldn't find any evidence since I myself couldn't remember the person clearly because they were wearing a hoodie. I then decided that I should check out her apartment for any clues. Then I entered her apartment after parking my car a few feet away and started going through her things after few minutes of searching I got a little gift box and opened it to find a note that threatened Archer's life and another interesting things was that this person knew about my fake death so my suspicions were right so whoever had Reea was the same one who had tried to kill me. As long as I know the only people that knew everything about my death was Reea, Leah and Reea 's parents and mine. My suspicions were on before that I heard a voice so I turned around to find Archer standing there and asking me who was I and how did I get in. I asked him to sit down because this was going to be a long conversation.
Reea's pov
I couldn't believe that the person who was standing in front of me was the one who did all of this. I would have never even guessed since she acted as though she cared about me so I guess she never did care about me. After recovering from my stunned expression I asked Leah " why was she doing this " for which she started laughing hysterically as if it my question was funny but however her laugh sent a shiver down my spine. After she was done laughing her face morphed into one of anger before she slapped me hard with a force that I thought would have broken my jaw but I didn't show her any pain that was inflicted by her slap because I will not give her that satisfaction. She cupped my face using one of her hand with her nails digging into my skin and making the pain worse on where she had slapped but I bit my tongue to control my whimper.she then looked into my eyes before saying you were always on top you had the perfect boyfriend, friends and family while I had to live in your shadow as your bestfriend no one acknowledged me for me but as your best friend do you know how that feels like to live in a shadow of course you don't because you were always on the spotlight while I had none without the title as your best friend. After that she punched my stomach before Leaving the room but not before saying I will be back after a few hours and turned to leave.

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