Chapter 9: Dinner Time

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Rose stood in front of her fireplace, combing down her hair, as she yelled over her shoulder for Griffon to hurry up. They were late. Very very late. 

She was only joking when she insinuated they'd arrive late. As it turned out her joke was much more of a prediction. 

"Sorry Love," Griffon said rounding the corner, pulling an old quidditch jersey over his head. "I couldn't find my shirt."

"We are so so late."

Griffon smirked, placing his hands around the small of her back. "Worth it."

Rose frowned up at him. "Your hair is a mess."

"I combed it." 

Rose raised her brow accusingly. 

"Okay, I sort of combed it."

"Griffon Wood you are helpless." Rose shook her head, allowing a small smile to slip on her face. She glided onto her tiptoes and let her fingers smooth out his hair into a presentable style.

"I'm only helpless when it comes to you." Griffon smiled sincerely, wrapping his arm around Rose's waist, drawing her closer to him.

She wrinkled her nose, resting her palms on his chest. "How did I ever fall for you when you use such cheesy pick-up lines?"

Griffon tapped his chin. "I think it may have had something to do with my incredibly good looks, irresistible charm, sharp wit, and unmatchable talent."

"Maybe it was your incredible modesty."

Griffon grabbed his heart, swaying her slightly. "You say the sweetest things to me."

Rose laughed and kissed him sweetly, drawing back just as quickly. Griffon pouted at her. His blue eyes softened as they gazed upon her.

"We have got to go." Rose reasoned, backing out of his arms. Keeping hold of his hand, she pulled him back toward the fireplace, stopping right in front of it to ensure they looked okay. 

Rose nodded satisfied and stepped into the fireplace, dragging Griffon with her, smoothing down her skirt.

Griffon grabbed a pinch of floo powder between his finger, drizzling it into the firepit below his feet. "The Burrow."

The emerald green flames engulfed them, wrapping snuggly around their head as they were transported to the Burrow. The flames tingled cooly against Rose's skin.

The first time she used the floo-network she cried the whole way, terrified that the fire was going to burn her. Despite her Dad's comforting hand in hers, Rose didn't calm down until she stepped out of the fireplace. The next time she traveled Rose actually paid attention to her surroundings. The fire didn't burn -- it tickled. It swam around her, just grazing her skin without harming her.

Rose laid her head on Griffon's chest, closing her eyes, as she inhaled his sugary scent. It had a calming effect on her, something she desperately needed right now. Her nerves were shot. Her mind was too busy racing to settle on a single thought. The single thing it was able to focus on was the fact that she wasn't ready for the night ahead or the feelings and secrets that came attached to it.

The tingles from the flames slowly died away, as the laughter and voices captivated her ears. Rose's feet found solid ground again. The ash gripped the bottom of her shoes, dusting the carpet as she stepped out of the fireplace. Poor Roxanne was sure to have a fit over it.

"Your family is so loud," He whispered in her ear with a slight chuckle. "You think I'd get used to it."

"You never get used to it. Trust me." She grumbled, sweeping a stray streak of ash off her ankles.

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