Chapter 29- You're Not The Father

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Lily's POV
After the dance, the girls and I decided to take everyone back to our house and tell the guys what happened tonight. "She's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?!"

"Did she say anything? Did she leave a number?"

"She found out about the bet." Sam interrupted with a sigh, everyone's head turned towards him. "Yes. She did. And it's because of you that she's gone!" Ben pushes Sam, I shout. "STOP IT!" They both look at me.

"She didn't leave because of you asshole. Someone took her brother from the hospital. I guess she went to go and figure things out."

"We asked if she wanted help, or if we could do anything but she told us to forget about her-"

"Forget? We can't fucking forget! We need to find her!" Ben shouts, standing up, Grayson sits him back down. "Maybe she's got a point. Think about it, both of her parents were murdered because of her crazy ex, and you and Lily almost died because of her. She doesn't want to get us involved-"

"I don't really give a shit about what she wants. We made a vow to protect her when she first told us about him, and I plan on keeping that promise. And Sam, you fucked up big time so you should be helping too. We shouldn't have to sit back and wonder if she got killed or not. We need to find her." Ben protests. Stacey shakes her head.

"I tried tracking her phone even though it was off and I got nothing. She must have broken it-"

"Or someone broke it for her." Where the hell are you Em?

"As much as I hate to say it, maybe we should call Kat-"

"Do you remember what happened the last time we trusted her? Emma almost died. What's going to stop her from actually completing the job?" Mike protests, the guys nod in agreement. "Well if we don't try, we're never going to know if she's lying dead in a ditch somewhere or if she's alive. I don't know about you, but I prefer to see her alive. And I'm going to do whatever the fuck I have to do in order to save my best friend."

I stormed out before anybody could stop me. I knew it was a mistake to go to Kat's but I had to. I need to find out what's going on, and most importantly, I need to know why.

I knocked on her door really hard and shouted her name. "What the hell Lily? It's three AM"

"I really don't give a shit what time it is. Where is she?" She looked at me with a look of curiosity. "Who?"

"Emma you dipshit! What the hell did you do to her?!" I shout, she puts her hands up and sighs. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Bullshit. You warned us that a storm was coming. Is this what the fuck you were talking about?" She didn't say anything, so I snapped. "ANSWER ME!"

"Woah! Who knew you were more bite than bark? I love it. I warned you that a storm was coming because Kian is planning something big. I don't know what it is, or why, but one thing is for sure, if his men find her it's over." I shook my head. "She just drove off. She told us to forget about her, and said that if she didn't come back it meant she was dead." A look of shock spread across her face. It's as if she put two and two together.

"I think I know what he's planning. And if I'm right then we need to act fast before she gets herself killed. Call the others, tell them to meet us at Emma's house, I'll drive." She frantically grabbed her keys and ran out the front door. We jumped into her car as I texted everyone.

Hold on Em, we're coming for you.
Ben's POV
Since Lily was stupid enough to go to Kat, I plan on questioning Kat to the fullest extent. "So why exactly are you helping us find Emma? Didn't you literally try to kill her two months ago?"

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