Chapter 14- What Happened To Your Face

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Emma's POV
I woke up with a splitting headache. I also wanted to throw up from all the drinking but I knew I had to get up out of bed and go to school anyways.

I looked at the clock and realized it was ten o'clock. I immediately jumped out of bed and put on some clothes and knocked on Lily's door. "Lily get up we're late!" I shouted. All of a sudden I heard laughing coming from Ben's room next to me.

"What's so funny?" I snap, he shakes his head and crosses his arms. "Lily is going to be out cold for at least another hour after last nights party. Besides, we have off today. Mom told me this morning when I woke up that the school called and said that there was a possible asbestus outbreak in the basement so we have the week off while they investigate."

"Sounds great. I'm going back to bed." As I reached my door, I looked back at him and smiled. "Thanks for bringing me home last night, I don't really remember anything that happened but I'm glad I can count on you to keep me out of trouble so thanks." He put on a smile and nodded. I turned around and plopped on my bed, drifting off to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Ben's POV
I was so confused when she thanked me. Stacey told me that she went home early because she wasn't feeling good. I need to call her.

"Ugh what do you want Ben? It's too early for this!" She grunts, I chuckle. Typical Stacey, always wanting to sleep in. "I need details on last night. You told me that she went home early-"

"Which she did...well kind of."

"What do you mean kind of?" I question apprehensively, she sighs. "There were these guys that were trying to take advantage of her and Sam beat them up and took her home."

"You couldn't have just told me that?! Now she thinks it was me who took her home! I need to call Sam." I hung up on her and dialed him. Of course there was no answer, he's probably sleeping too. I'm going to go to his house.
"What the fuck?!" Sam shouted as he fell out of his bed, I chuckle. "Your mom said I could come in and wait for you to wake up."

"Well I'm awake, and I don't remember asking you to come over so what's up?" He snaps, I couldn't help but laugh. He is just like Emma, he hates being jolted awake.

"I wanted to thank you for taking Emma home last night. Stacey only told me she left early so I didn't know what happened. But she thinks that I took her home so-"

"Take the credit." I shook my head as I saw the bruises on his face. "No I can't do that. What the hell happened to your face?"

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I know you like her and she has some sort of feelings for you. That kiss said everything"

"So is that why you kissed Stacey at homecoming? Because you saw me kiss her?" I snap angrily, he sighs. "It doesn't matter now, Emma pretty much hates me. So take the credit okay, you have no idea what sort of hell I had to go through in order to get her home."

"Well please inform me because if she asks any questions I need to know." I replied crossing my arms, he grunted. "I was going to apologize to her but I realized she was really drunk and then these two guys were carrying her upstairs and they tried taking advantage of her but I fought them and they ran off. I told Stacey to tell Lily that I was taking her home and then I left. It was a long walk but I managed." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"And you expect me not to tell her it was you? You should tell her-"

"Like I said Ben, she hates me. And if I tell her that I saved her she won't believe me, but if she doesn't know what happened and she just thinks you took her home after a drunken spout then she'll be at ease." I sigh. I really don't want to take credit for this, but at the same time he's right because she won't believe him. "Fine. Since there's no school tomorrow, do you want to go ice skating? I know it's one of Emma's favorite things to do and I want to make it up to her for making her real birthday so horrible."

"Sure, but for now, get the fuck out and let me sleep off the alcohol." I chuckled and closed his door. Typical Sam. I walked back downstairs, hugged Amelia goodbye, got in my car and drove back home just in time to make a nice breakfast for the girls.

My parents are barely ever home because of their jobs, we see mom in the mornings before school but we barely ever see dad because he's always off on business trips. It's hard but usually on weekends I am the one who makes breakfast and we usually go out for dinner with our friends.

Emma's POV
The minute I smelled bacon I was up out of my bed and downstairs. I love bacon with everything I've got.

I came face to face with Ben, who was wearing an apron and making pancakes. Once he noticed I was standing there he smiled and said "chocolate chips or blue berries?"

"Chocolate chips please." He was acting really weird and I couldn't directly ask what's wrong because he'll just answer with "nothing". Instead I decided to ask about last night because it is a complete blur to me.

"So what exactly happened last night? Last thing I remember is talking to Stacey and the rest is a blur." He sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know, I mean you were pretty wasted. I know at one point you were dancing on Stacey's kitchen counter with Stacey. You seemed to be with her for the majority of the night."

"So when did you take me home?" I question, he chuckles. "Well um I noticed you were pretty wasted, and some guys were trying to take you upstairs so I stopped them and brought you home." I couldn't help but smile brightly at him. "Thank you."

Ben's POV
It pained me to lie to her. But Sam is right, it's not like she's going to believe him anyways since she's mad at him and she's just going to think that it was his ploy to get her attention.

He was looking out for my feelings for her for once even though I can see that he really liked her. But why wouldn't he just tell her how he feels? He could avoid all of this and I could be free from my guilt but no, once again I'm stuck in the middle.
Hey everyone! Welcome to my new book, I hope you are liking it so far. Do you think Sam made the right decision in telling Ben to take credit? Are you team Ben or team Sam? Leave a comment letting me know what you think should happen next. And don't forget to vote, thank you,


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