Chapter 4

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Virgil's POV

I looked up at Prince and groaned.  "You can get off of me now."

He stared at me for a second then blinked. "Yeah, sorry." He rolled off.

My powers were so weak; I'd be completely useless in a fight. "Patton and Logan got caught. They're going to the police station."

"Then we go get them."

I shook my head. "That'd be damning evidence that they're working with me, but, if I leave them..." I stood up and stormed to the edge of the roof. "Fuck," I mumbled to the city before me. I reached with my mind to Patton's. "I can't get you out, for your safety and mine."

He was scared and confused. "Yeah, I get it." He shut his mind back up.

I whirled, wanting to yell as loud as possible.

Prince grabbed me. "Hey, calm down."

I squirmed from his grasp. "Don't tell me to calm down! Those are my friends getting shoved into police cars down there!" The feeling of a tear on my cheek surprised me out of my rage.

He looked deep into my eyes and touched my side. "Everything's going to be alright."

I took a deep, shaky breath. "I need to go home. Please-Please, let go of me."

He obliged and I teleported home.


Monday morning, I hugged Patton tight, settling to shake Logan's hand. "I was so worried about you."

"Well, the best science teacher and only guidance counselor can't be caught missing school because of a mix-up with the police," Patton explained with a grin.

"How'd you guys get away with it, anyway?"

I recognized a familiar, handsome face over their shoulders coming near us.

Roman's POV

I saw Virgil before class and ventured over; he was the only person that didn't dance around me like I might break. "Good morning, Virgil." When he responded by simply glaring at me, I turned to see the two he was talking with.

I froze.

Logan and Patton from the other night? They know Virgil, too?

"Roman," Virgil grumbled, "this is Patton and Logan Smoke, a guidance counselor and chem teacher respectively. Guys, Roman Ross is the new choir teacher."

Patton smiled sweetly. "Hi."

I furrowed my brows. "'Smoke?' Are you two-"

Logan answered before I could ask. "Married.  We have been for four years."

A smile danced on my lips. "That's absolutely adorable."

I could practically feel Virgil's discontent. "Is there something you needed?"

Patton gasped dramatically. Like he was scolding a child, he said, "Virge!" He looked at me with kindness in his eyes. "I wish I could say this is unusual behavior for him."

"Yup. Just talk about me like I'm not even here." He crossed his arms only to straighten up at a student's greeting. He nodded to them, then turned back to us. "My attitude gets results with the students; they can relate to it."

"He has a point," Logan admitted.

"It pays to be a psychology teacher." As he began walking away, he said, "I know how to get in people's heads."

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