Chapter 7

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Virgil's POV

I yawned and took another sip of my coffee, reading over the last essay question before marking the grade.

10 out of 15.  The same score as the last two.  I glanced back at the previous test, reading it over.

Someone knocked at my classroom door.

The janitor had already been by, and it was late.  Who would be...?

The door opened.  "Virgil?"

"Roman?  What are you still doing here?"

He stepped into the room fully.  He looked tired, though the dim lighting didn't help.  "I could ask you the same question."  He sniffed.  "Is that coffee I smell?"

"Yes, and it's mine."  I smiled.

"Why are you drinking coffee this late?" he chuckled, stepping toward me.

I leaned back in my chair.  "Time is an illusion.  Once you realize that, you can transcend and live in bliss."  I took a sip.  "I also promised my students I'd have four pages of essay questions done by tomorrow, and, unfortunately, I've been procrastinating."  I made a note on the last three tests and sighed.

"Something the matter?"  He sat down in one of the closest desks.

"Cheaters, I believe."  I shook my head, my third cup of coffee not doing enough to keep me awake.  "I'll deal with it in the morning."

"Hey, Virgil?"

Looking up from the stack of papers, I asked, "Yeah?"

"Have you eaten anything?  I was on my way out for dinner when I stopped in.  If you haven't, you can join me."

I looked into his large, red, sparkling, puppy-dog eyes.  How could I say no to that look?  No, seriously, how?  It stares into your soul.   "Fine..."

He grinned.


"So," I couldn't help but ask, "why were you staying so late?"  I took a sip of my water as I waited for his answer.

Roman sighed and looked down.  "Yesterday, a kid of mine threatened to hurt a lot of people."

Of course, it made the news...  "Connor Larson.  He's a good kid."

"I'm amazed you still think that with what everyone's saying about him."

My brows furrowed.  "What? What-What are people saying?"  I leaned forward, no longer interested in my food.

"When his mother died, she drowned, Virgil.  With his ability to control water, they think he killed her."

Connor wouldn't have.  He'd taken both my classes and I'd been able to psychoanalyze him well.  "He's not that kind of kid."  Right...?  I only wish I could be certain.  I itched to read Roman's mind—to know what he thought—but I knew if I pressed, it would only hurt him.

We changed the subject from there to work or home lives, even bring up Patton and Logan for a while until we were both done eating.  Outside of the restaurant, I said, "Thank you for this."

He smiled sweetly.  "Yeah, no problem.  I'm honestly amazed you said yes; I got the sense you didn't like me all that much."

"Oh, I didn't," I admitted.  "I think if we were friends, you'd be a pain in my ass."

"Oh, so I'm a pain in the ass," he chuckled.  "That's good to know."  He shook his head.  "I'll see you at work, Virgil."

"Yeah, see ya'."

He walked away and I found myself staring until he'd disappeared around a corner.

When he was gone, my smile dropped.  No...  I walked quickly to the nearest alley and teleported home.

I sighed, pacing around my living room.  "No, Virgil.  No, no, no, no, no.  Don't you dare even think about it.  You can't; you can't; you can't.  You cannot fall for him."

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