Chapter 20

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Virgil's POV

My eyes fluttered open, but I closed them again as memories of all that had happened quickly dawned on me. My arms were sore, my head ached, and it felt like my wrists were being cut off—they hurt so badly. Gravity felt stronger, too, like it was pulling me down by my legs.

My legs... My bare toes could hardly scrape the ground. Am I... hanging... by my wrists...?

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked up.

Yep, those are chain and cuffs and ow...

"Look who finally decided to wake up."

I recognized the voice; it was the same one from all of my dreams. I tried to arm my powers—to attack the person or get myself down—but there was nothing. I guess I really am a Void now... I put on an award-winning glare.

He was tall—well over six foot. He had dark eyes, blond, buzzed hair, and a wide smile. He was certainly proud of what he'd accomplished. "I trust you slept well?"

"Where the hell am I?" I growled. "Who are you?"

His eyes seemed so kind as he answered, "My name is Isaac. I simply need to ask you a few questions."

I know. I've been reading your mind in my sleep. You're willing to torture me for these answers. "Are you who's been following me?"

"Sometimes. Now, really, Virgil, these questions are important. May we get to it?"

I snarled. "Do I have a damn choice?"

"That's the spirit!" He laughed. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a high school psychology and sociology teacher. I have kids that expect to see me every day—that come to me with issues. So, what the hell could you possibly want from me?"

He stopped smiling, simply staring blankly at me.  "Such hostility. Fine, I'll get straight to the point—skip all the small talk. Virgil Pearce, do you have powers?"

I laughed. "No, of course not. If that's why I'm here, let me go." I refused to plead—refused to beg—but I could at least try.

He turned around and I took the chance to familiarize myself with my surroundings.

The room was well lit. The concrete floor and brick walls were bare and dirty. As far as I could tell, I was in the center and there was only one exit.

"Mr. Pearce..."

I growled at the tone.

"If you don't want to tell me the truth, I have means of getting it out of you."

You should be afraid, I reminded myself. Any normal person would be. "What are you gonna do to me? I already told you I'm not a Paragon. You can ask my friends and my family; they'll all tell you the same thing."

He faced me again, then marched back over. "Is that so?" He raised his brows. "I don't believe you." He punched me square in the nose.

I grunted, and my body swayed from the chains. Blood dripped from my nose.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a rag, wiping my blood off of his hand. "Has your mind changed?"

I rubbed my nose on my arm. "I don't have powers, you psycho."

He nodded. "Very well.  I'll leave you to think about it then." He opened the door and walked out.

So it's not locked, huh? Someone's cocky...

Roman's POV

I stared at my phone once the line had gone dead. He'd told me he'd loved me. He'd also told me to bring Patton to his apartment.


I grabbed my suit and put it on as fast as I could. I only hesitated when I reached for my mask.

What if it's a prank? Showing up in full gear like this would be... bad, to say the least.

I took a deep breath and shook away my doubt. I put on my mask and called Patton.

After a minute, he picked up. "Roman, what time is it? Why are you calling me so late?"

"Patt, I'm sorry, but I need you to meet me at Virgil's place." I opened my window, leaning out, ready to take flight.


A quiet voice from the other line asked, "Who's on the phone, honey?"

Logan. Shit. Can he come, too? Should he? "I'll be honest: I don't know," I admitted. "Virgil called me. He... Something happened; I don't know. Bring Logan, too."


I hung up. Jumping out the window, I took to the sky.  Flying always helped me think, but, now, all I could think of was the worst.

Flying at full speed, it didn't take long to reach Virgil's apartment. I snuck in through a window and looked around.

The place was... off. When I'd been there a few days ago, though my visit was brief, what I'd seen of his home hadn't necessarily been 'clean.' It wasn't messy. Well, that might not be true. Now, though, the apartment was spotless.

I remembered something from the day I met Virgil.

"Ya' know those houses in commercials that always look spotless?"


"Her place was like that. I won't say that Val was messy, but her apartment always looked lived-in.  The whole thing felt—I don't know—unnatural."

His apartment was exactly as he'd described.

"Virgil!" I yelled, pulling my mask off. "Virgil, are you here?" I searched every room but found nothing. He's really gone... just like that? I sat by the window and waited.

The door opened eventually. Patton stepped in, holding Logan's hand.

"I'm glad you came."

Patt jumped, clearly not expecting to have seen me in the shadows. "Roman?"

"In a way..." I stood up and stepped into the moonlight.

Patton's eyes widened. Logan barely reacted. The former asked, "You've been Prince all this time?"

I nodded.

Logan shrugged.  "I knew it."

Patt whacked his spouse's arm. "Stop showing off. Roman, where's Virgil?"

My eyes dropped. "I have no idea. He called me, told me to get you here, and then..." I could still hear his scream.

Patton began wandering around the living room. "He wanted me here, huh? I wonder why?"

"Perhaps he wanted your powers," Logan offered.

"Good idea." Patt's eyes began to glow turquoise. He tensed up instantly then turned almost robotically toward a door. He opened it, then disappeared inside.

Logan and I followed.

In Virge's bedroom, Patton stared at a plant pot with a small, green succulent in it. He touched its leaves and it began to move, shifting upward until it broke free of the soil. The plants seemed to use its larger roots as legs. It crawled out of the pot, the paused on the tabletop. Patton reached inside the pot and pulled out a flash drive. The plant situated itself back in the pot and went still. Patton's eyes dimmed.

"I don't know what's on this, but I don't think we should look at it here," he mumbled, still staring at the piece of tech. He looked at me, suddenly wearing a fake smile. "Come on. Let's go."

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