Chapter 9

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Virgil's POV

I cursed myself for being so careless as to wear my suit in daylight; putting it back on again at all had been a poor decision.  Now, with a knife protruding from my abdomen and blood soaking my hands, I wasn't so sure I'd live to regret it.

My attacker knelt down to my collapsed form, smiling as he whispered in my ear, "You're getting exactly what you deserve."  He grabbed the handle and twisted the sharp blade just to see me squirm.  With that, he walked off.

My breathing was labored and my hands shaky.  I reached for the knife, barely able to touch it without excruciating pain.


Roman's POV

I heard Nightmare's voice and looked around, expecting to find him lurking in the shadows.  Instead, I simply knew there was somewhere I had to be.

I landed one last punch on the car thief, effectively knocking him out, before flying away.  I felt like I was being pulled.  Touching down on the fairly empty street, I inspected the area.

Why did Nightmare want me here?  How did he even...?  I came to an alley and froze.

Nightmare sat against the wall, his head back and his purple eyes barely glowing.  The handle of a knife protruded from his gut.  Blood soaked his hands.

Oh my god...  I rushed over.  Kneeling in front of him, I asked, "What can I do?"

His breathing heavy, he said, "Pull it out."

"What?  If there's one thing I learned from watching way too many medical shows, you do not pull the knife out."

His colors in his eyes flickered in and out.  "Please."

Is he trying to get himself killed?  I touched near the wound, causing him to wince and whimper.

"Trust me, please, Prince."

I took a deep breath.  With my left hand, I took the knife, and, with my right, I held his hand.  "I'm gonna count to three alright?  One, two..."  I pulled.

He squeezed my hand, clenching his teeth to keep from screaming.  His eyes began to radiate color again.

Black smoke leaked from the wound, seeping around us.  The blood on his hands dried quickly, and, when the smoke dissipated, I could see his pale flesh through the hole in his suit.

"Um," was all I could say for a second.  "So, you can do that?"

Each breath seemed to weigh him down.  "Yeah; yeah, I can do that."

I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb.  "Then why did you need me?"

"All of my senses are... enhanced, so, basically, I'm the biggest wuss in the world... when it comes to pain."

I looked at him, and I could just tell he was completely exhausted.  "That really takes a lot out of you."

He nodded barely.

I swept him up into my arms.  "Is there somewhere I can take you to rest up?"  A moment of silence passed and I looked down.

His head rested against my chest, his eyes closed and his breathing finally evening out.  He looked peaceful as he drifted off to sleep.

Virgil's POV

When I awoke, something felt off.  I kept my eyes closed as I took in the status of my powers.  They were better after rest, but not fully there; if I needed to use them, I could only afford a few quick actions.

Thunder filled the space, bouncing off the walls and even shaking the couch beneath me.

Keeping my breathing even, I counted myself down in my head. Three, two, one.  I threw open my eyes, sitting upright as I took in my surroundings, despite my dizziness: the dim room, the scarce furniture, the figure sitting in the corner.  I didn't care who the person was; I acted on instinct and used my powers to choke them from afar.  I raised them into the air, watching as they grasped at their neck.

"Raven," they rasped.

I dropped them, recognizing the voice and the name.

Prince stepped into the light.

"I-I'm sorry.  I wasn't thinking; you scared me."  I put my head in my hands, my thoughts swarming around.

Raven repeated over and over again.

Prince touched my hand.  "It's alright.  I'd be shaken up, too, after everything that just happened."

I looked up.  "Everything that just..."  I touched my stomach, feeling the hole in my suit.  Letting out a sigh, I chuckled.  "I'd forgotten..."  Looking around again, I finally, actually, took in my surroundings; I was in my old base.

"You passed out before you could tell me where to take you," Prince explained, "so I brought you here."

The name Raven echoed in my head.  "'Raven...'  Where did you learn that name?"

"I did some research.  I'm sorry; I'm sure your old hero name's a touchy subject."

I sighed and leaned into him, needing some sort of comfort.

His gloved hand touched my cheek, focusing me back to him.

It was nice while it lasted...  I righted myself.  "It's time I headed back to my real life.  I have to be up early tomorrow."

Lightning flashed in the room.

"Tomorrow's Saturday," Prince complained.  He stood up, pulling me up, too, and coming to rest his hands on my hips.  "Stay... just a bit longer."

I gave him a kiss but stepped away just as thunder filled the air.  "Life beckons."

Then I was gone.

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