Ghost Encounter of the Third Kind

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The next morning, Hazel as Crispin joined the crew at the docks the next morning. Callum met her at the boarding ramp. "All you have is two bags?" "I'm poor, I don't have very much. And the other is oranges. Aunt Joline said its always good that you have your own supply." Callum nodded, "follow me". Hazel followed Callum aboard the ship. Callum lead her to the captains quarters. "Captain Andrews?" "Yes, first mate Cornwall." "Meet our new cabin boy. Captain Andrews this Crispin Joel Ipswich, the new cabin boy." The captain turned around and glared into Hazels eyes. He never broke a smile, he kept his resting mean face. "Introduce him to Hornett. Hell know what to do it with him." "Yes sir! Thank you, sir." Callum spun Hazel around. And ushered her out the door. Callum showed her to the crews quarters Hornett! Hornett! a large overweight sweaty ogre enters the quarters from a back area. "Yes sir?" "This is Crispin, our new cabin boy and your new ward show him the ropes." "aye!" Hornetts dark eyes lit up with delight. He grinned big revealing the only couple teeth he had left. Callum leaves Hornett and Hazel alone. "Alright Lad, lets get to work!" "Aye! But where can I leave my bags? Underneath my bunk?" "That is where you will sleep." "on the floor?" Hornett flashed forward, gripping her by the neck and lifting Hazel into the air, she gasped for air as his giant coarse hands tightened around her throat. "You dare question me?" Hazel gestured no. Hornett dropped her, she collapsed on the floor gasping for air. "Never question me. I do not want to hear a breath out of you. You do what I say when I say. I dont want to know you exist otherwise."

Over the course of the next few days, she did everything Hornett told her to do. But at night, Hornett would get drunk. And he would seek her out. He did not want her for her flesh much to her relief, however he does want a punching bag. Shes not allowed to even pretend she may exist on the same plain as Hornett, so she did not associate with any other crew members. Despite her pain from the daily beatings, she still got up every morning and completed every task she was given. He stole her oranges. Joline gave them to her in order to prevent scurvy. She worried about contracting scurvy. After about a week at sea, she was out on the deck mopping when something bright caught her eye. It was like a bright ball of light on the ocean. She squinted and looked to try and make out the odd scene. Hornett noticed she stopped working. He charged at her ready to hand out an early beating. "Hey what are you..." Hornett stops and looks up and out. He turned and started running back and forth down the ship. "Ghost is here! Ready your stations! Prepare to fight! The Ghost Pirate is here!" Hornett yells to Hazel, "Lets go Crispin!" "Ready the Gun powder!" The crew scrambles to prepare. It was a bright light on the sea everyone is afraid of. The light only seems to grow larger as it draws closer. Captain Andrews is at the Helm shouting orders, "Ready the cannons! Hold... Hold..." The ball of light only grew bigger as it seemed that it was next to them. "Hold... Fire!" Cannons blasted, but it did not seem to faze the ball of light. A distant voice could be heard, "Fire!" loud explosions could be heard right before parts of the ships start flying in pieces all around her. Men swing on to the deck from the sky. They round up all the crew who werent killed. One of the pirates stuck out. It was a woman. Hazel looked up at her from behind a barrel. The pirate woman came over. "I see you there little girl." Hazel looks up at her frozen in fear. She locked eyes with the pirate woman. She seemed so familiar, especially with warming tiger ribbened eyes. Her dress was form fitting, and yet flows with her moments in tandem with the wind. The woman looks at her face, and her arms. "why is a little girl on a ship like this?" "They they dont know Im a girl." "What's your name?" "H-H-Hazel." "What do they know you as?" "Crispin." The woman smiles, "Smart. I like that." But very quickly, her smile turns upside down. Concern and anger seemed to mask her face now, she examines Hazels bruises, and gently runs her fingers across the surface of Hazels black and blue cheek. "Who is hurting you?" Hazel points to Hornett. The woman nods, "Stay here, stay low, stay hidden." A voice booms from behind her. "Is this everyone? Good Allow me to introduce myself. Im Commodore Philips. I am the Ghost! You have the privilege of being pirated by the infamous Ghost. My men are currenting acquiring your supplies. But you will have enough to return to port." He pauses as if someone is quietly talking to him. Hazel made it a point not to look. Then he continues, But it looks like Im going to have to dispose of some of you. Count off! The crew remains quiet. Hazel could hear someone getting punched. "one" a voice weakly says. "Two" say another, "Three" says Hornett. "Four" says Callum, and the men count one, two, three, four until there are no more. "That's it? What number? Threes?" The woman pirate was heard. All the men who counted the number three were forced to step forward, and line up. Hazel peaked from behind the barrels to see the Ghost pirates men had his men lined up and raised their guns. "Any last words? Commodore Philips cheerfully asked." "No? Defiant till the end... I respect that. FIRE!" the guns went off, and eight bodies drop to the floor. Hornett being one of them. Hazel peaked from behind the barrels. The Pirates were gone. Callum spotted her. "Crispin! Oh, thank the Lord, Im glad you are safe." Hazel stares at the dead bodies on the ground. Were the beatings done? The pirate lady seemed to have Hornett killed just for Hazel. In a way she felt guilty for the seven dead crewmen. She pointed out Hornett and he brought seven other men to Davy Jones locker with him.

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