Manifest Station

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The carriage pulled up in front of a church in a small town. "Where are we?" "Manifest Station." "okay..." Hazel pauses skeptically. "why?" Blaze smiles warmly "Its the Ghost pirates home. I made a city for them all. We are here for the town meeting." There were only so many people. Up front, sat Brock. He was on an African Slave ship when Blaze took over the ship and recruited him. He oversees the Night Seals. They are the group who take out Night Owl, Night Hawk, and Midnight Prowl. They attack ships at night. They attack the ships under darkness and do it so quietly and swiftly, but before the crew of the ship being attacked even wakes up. Kaleb is Greek, he is thinner but cunning and swift. He captains the Ecto. Hernando is from Spain, he is built thin but strong, he is very strategic. He captains the Spirit. Fehr is from a Germanic tribe. Nobody really knows what he is saying. He captains the Poltergeist. And there is Lagertha, shes the best navigator and she was in command the Haunter before Atticus sank it." The church was loud when she entered but quieted instantaneously. She went up to the front and up to the podium. The crowd quieted, "Captain Atticus Philips, he was a remarkable man. He will not be replaced with ease. But nonetheless, our Phantom Empire must continue on." They ended up voting for Raphael Dufeyel. He was Kalebs first mate. He rose from the crowd and came to the front. He bowed and took off his hat in gratitude. He smiled real big, as he stood in front of Blaze. "Does everyone vote for Raphael as our Ghost Captain?" The crowd cheered. "anyone opposed?" the crowd silenced. "Okay! Its unanimous. Congrats Raphael." "Merci madame." "okay Raphael, time for the oath." "Oui Madame." Raphael takes a deep breath. "I, Raphael Dufeyel vow to adhere to the Ghost Pirate Communitys bylaws and democratic votes. I will make sure to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the ultimate Phantasm" he pauses, and leans in towards "Blaze, qui est Phantasm?" Blaze leans in, "I am." Raphael, takes a step back. He grimaced as he said,  "You are the ultimate Phantasm?" Blaze astonished at the concept that he didnt know. "I am the woman behind the scenes." "This is unacceptable!" Raphael shouts. He turns to address the crowd. "This is the Ultimate Phantasm? If we answer to her it isnt so Democratic now is it? I will not answer to a woman for our communitys needs. She considers herself a queen and we answer to her." Blaze stands back, she stands in front of Hazel. Hazel peers around her to watch the actions unfold. "I demand we mutiny! Who is with me? Only a handful of men cheered. Raphael face went from concern to fear in a heartbeat. why not more men? Hernando stepped forward, "Keep in mind, she keeps us safe and keeps us from getting caught." "I dont care! A captain doesnt take orders from a woman." "You can be mutinous, I dont know what you expect from me though." "I'll take the Specter" Raphael sneered. "Fine." Blaze doesnt flinch. Blaze nods to Brock, and Hazel sees him, and a couple other men slip out the back. "Take Specter and go. But do not come back to me for anything. We cut our ties here." "Done." Raphael sneered. "But I want more ships." "You dont have enough crew rebelling with you." Blaze scoffed. "I dont care, I want more ships." Blaze shrugs, "Sure if you can take the ships from their Captains." With those words, the other captains draw their swords and pistols. "If he dares. Lagertha cautions."

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