Blaze to the Rescue... again

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A voice silenced the chaos noise around her. "Wow gentlemen Im impressed, I thought it was going to require more persuasion to see my daughter." Hazel did not have to open her eyes to know that voice. "Mother!" she yelped. The men let go of her and she ran into Blazes arms. Blaze wrapped her armed tightly around Hazel, Hazel cried into Blazes blouse. "I was so scared." Blaze stroked Hazels hair, and squeezed her tighter, rocking her. She hushed Hazels crying, resting her head upon Hazel's. Hazel's head pressed against Blaze's chest. She felt so safe. Blaze's rocking is swaying her nerves into comfort. She can hear Blazes heart rapidly beating, and as she rocks with Hazel Within her arms, the rapid beating slow. Then they hear a voice, "Miss Cinders, how lovely to see you again." Hazel could hear Blazes heart speed up faster. But without flinching, without letting Hazel go, she replied. "Mr. Romple, pleasure." Blaze said in a flat tone "Oh, but all mine," he said cheerfully as he smiled. "I apologize for the rough entrance this young woman. We will have her returned to the cells instantaneously." With that word, Hazel heard Blazes heart stop dead. Is she alive? Blaze let go of Hazel, moving her to the side but without let go of her completely. "Could you please inform me as to why you are taking my daughter into imprisonment?" Silias Romple stammers, "I thought she was not yours!" "You did not believe my daughter when she said she was my daughter?" "No madam I did not. We presumed she was the pirate's wench, and she was sentenced to death with him." Blazes eyes locked onto his with a stone-cold stare. In a flash, Blazes arm shot forward. Her arm hooked to the left, her fist making contact with Silias's face, and knocking him off his feet. "You dare defamed my heirs name? Then sentenced her to death?" her voice sounded calm, but anger was heard in her tone. Blazes body stiffened yet did not release her side embrace of Hazel. Hazel looked up at Blaze, whose right eye was twitching. "Mother? Can we go home now?" One of the brooding soldiers who dragged Hazel out of the cell raised his gun. "I think not, you just assaulted a high-ranking officer of the royal navy." Silias stood to his feet, he waved the soldier down. "Its fine soldier. Cannot blame a mother lion for protecting her own. My apologies Miss Cinders." The lawyers of the Cinders joined the commotion. One of the lawyers handed Silias paperwork signed by the judge. "Here is the signed pardon and vindication, and paperwork signing the release of the young heiress." Silias accepted the paperwork, and nods. He smiled debonairly at the female lawyer. "I would like to have a word with the criminal who dare separated me from my daughter." Silias nodded, and the soldier who was just pointing a gun at her lead her into the cell. "Mr. Philips." Atticus scrambled to his feet. "Madam Cinders my deepest apologies and regret for the strife I may have caused." Blaze nods her head and shakes his hand. She turns quietly and walks out taking Hazel by the hand. She turns to see Atticus bow and take of his hat to her. She waves sadly and ponders his fate. Silias joins them, "Again my apologies madam Cinders." "This discretion is rather difficult for me to recover from Sir Romple. Leave my daughter alone from here on out." Silias nods and opens the door to their carriage. Blaze guides Hazel in, following directly behind her. Silias shuts the door.  I hope this misunderstanding wont affect our future endeavors?" Blaze doesn't even look in his direction. She pulls Hazel close, "I do not know yet of the full effects your misconceptions has had on our future correspondences, all I know is that I refuse to associate myself with someone who mistreats my daughter with such distain." She knocks on the side of the interior of the carriage, and the footman encouraged the horses to a running start. Silias jumps back as the carriage roars away.

In the carriage, Blaze broods. Hazel looked up at Blaze, "Are you okay?" Blaze faced changed, she looked down at Hazel. Her face warmed up with her smile. She kissed Hazel on the head. She wrapped her arm around Hazel, "The more important question is are you okay?" Hazel paused in thought. She never felt so scared before. Even when the drunk she first saved her from returned later on that night to attack her. Even when she was beaten or discovered while a cabin boy. She was about to hang. She went on a pirate ship, especially after she specified she did not want to be a pirate and got caught in a trap. She never felt so terrified as she did sitting in that cell with Atticus. Atticus even tried to assure her that Blaze was coming. Albeit she did not expect the fiery trail she would leave behind in Philadelphia just for her. Hazel looked up at Blaze, "I'm good." Hazel never felt so safe before. She never felt so confident that possibly, for once in her entire life, she would be okay and not have to try so hard to survive. Hazel fell asleep, when she woke up, she was laying on Blaze, she looked up at her, and she was asleep. Although the position she was sleeping in wasnt ideal, it was not as bad as other positions she may have found herself in, but she felt safe and nothing else mattered. Blaze wakes up, "Are you okay?" Hazel nodded. "Where are we going?" "We have to meet up with the other Pirate captains. We have to choose a new Ghost Pirate." "I thought you were the Ghost Pirate?" Blaze chuckles, "I am But I am never the face."

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