The Life-Changing Job

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The day Dylan got the role, he was ecstatic. But he would come to regret it.

From the first day they met the cast, Yue had been extremely optimistic and it bugged him. She didn't know what life was like. She had grown up sheltered from the hardships and pain of life. She didn't know how hard life had been for some people.
She kept trying to befriend him but, because he was already so used to this cycle of becoming friends and ending up betrayed, he ignored her. At first it worked, but she was starting to get annoying in her persistence. He ended up getting so annoyed that he let her befriend him just to get her to stop bugging him. At first it was one sided friendship, but eventually Dylan softened up to her.
He went against everything he had ever learned.
He let her in.
And oh did he regret it.

He had been holding everything in until now. He finally broke. He had to tell someone and she was the only one who would listen. He told her. Not all of it, just some of it. He told her about all the hate comments. He told her about his doubts for playing the role. He told her about his dads scorn for being an actor. She tried to help and maybe she did.
She didn't go and betray him.

At least she didn't in the beginning.

But once filming was over,
Rumors began to spread.

They said some really ugly stuff about him.
They said he was a monster to society.
They said he shouldn't be here.

She had spread them.

He should have listened to his past life lessons. He should've known. She was exactly like everyone else. But for some reason, who knows why, he had trusted her. He had made the mistake of telling her some of his problems.

And now he was paying the price for it.
After a month of these rumors going around, it became too much for him. He had made up his mind. He was going to fulfill everyone's wish.
Millions of people were browsing Weibo at the time, including Yue.
Didi's followers and the cast of Meteor Garden all saw his post.

I have made a decision. I have to do this. I'm going to fulfill everyone's wishes. I'm sorry to the few people who will miss me but I have to. I just want to say a few things first.

To the person who spread the rumors
You're the one who wanted to be friends with me. So why would you ever go and use private information like that?

To everyone else
I've never said anything about my past, about my childhood and family, because it's a painful memory for me.
My dad drank and was abusive. My parents always fought. They ended up getting divorced. At school, everyone bullied me. Even my so called friends ended up betraying me and bullying me.

They said I was worthless.
They said no one wanted me here.
They said I was just a waste of space.

They said I should leave this world.

I got depression. I had trust issues. At first, I told my sister about it, but I eventually just held it inside because she couldn't help. It's not her fault. She didn't understand because she didn't have it. I just learned for myself. I learned the hard way to not let people in because no matter who they are, they will always betray and hurt you. I ended up just guarding my heart with a sheet of pure ice and steel. But even with that armor, it still hurt. All the betrayal, all the insults. The bullying continued, which worsened the depression. It worsened to the point where I wanted to die. It worsened to the point where I knew I would never be free from this darkness. And there was no one to help. I almost left so many times. I have no idea why I stayed. But I did. And I regret it now.
So for those of you who were curious, that's my past.
I have to go.

They didn't think of it too much when they read it. They just thought that he was trying to crush the rumors. They didn't think too much about his wording.
Until they heard the news the next day.

Famous actor Dylan Wang, who played the legendary role of Daoming Si in the most recent version of Meteor Garden, went missing for a while yesterday. The police began searching for him but were not expecting what they found. When they searched the beach, they saw a body floating in the ocean. It turned out that it was Dylan's body.

He had drowned.

There was no sign of a struggle.
It looked like a suicide attempt.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't believe it. They couldn't. That guy who was so playful and childish at times but at other times had such a bad boy aura. That guy who really had a soft heart inside and cared despite his aura. They couldn't believe that he had willingly left. But the most shocked person was Yue. She had never heard his past. She hadn't heard of any of it. The only thing he told her about were the hate comments and his dad. She regretted spreading those rumors so much. But she was too stupid and blind. She hadn't known his past and yet she had done something that bad. She hadn't seen how badly it was affecting him
And now he had left.
Because of her.

A/N: This is my first story, so please don't hate me for it. Sorry about any mistakes in the writing. Also, sorry for using such heavy topics; these ideas just randomly pop into my mind. I have no idea where from, but it usually turns into a good (I think) story.
I have taken some inspiration from the song. If you didn't listen to the lyrics, you might want to go back and do that.
Lots of times, my story ideas will pop into my head when listening to music.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story, I hope you enjoyed.

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