Destiny, pt 1

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Cyrus and Selene loved each other. They had been happily married during their life on Earth. They had come a long way from their first meeting. They met during his senior year, her freshman year, of college. At first, they both hated the living guts out of each other. But they soon grew to love each other. They got married young; when he was 24 and she was 20. And they've been married since. Their story really was amazing. Before they got married, there were many things in the way, such as his mother's problems with her status and family. But they stayed determined and proved that love overcomes everything. People said they were inseparable. They even died on the same day - September 8, 1996.
When their souls moved to the afterlife, all was well- or almost everything. Both souls remembered that they loved someone. The only problem was, they didn't remember who.
The angels and demons had been at war for a long time when Cyrus and Selene died. Their souls landed right smack in the middle of the war, and it wasn't a good thing for either of them. For Selene, it was bad because, being an angel, she hated to see people get injured. And for Cyrus, it was bad because, being the demon prince, there was a whole lot of work and pressure. Meanwhile, they both felt empty. They knew that this was because they loved someone but that person wasn't around. So, on top of the war, they were searching for their other half.
The next day, they found it.

Selene was on the battlefield today. Usually, she would've been helping in the hospital, but they needed more soldiers, so she had to fight. And she absolutely hated it. Why can't they just stop the war and sign a peace treaty? Then people wouldn't be injured and there wouldn't be any useless fighting. She sighed. The angel queen and demon king were to stubborn to listen to anyone about ending the war. So they would just have to wait until someone won. Focusing on the battle around her again, she suddenly realized something. The empty feeling inside of her was gone, meaning she had found the person she loved. But then, she realized something else. By now, most of the soldiers from both sides had either fallen or retreated, leaving only her, her best friend, and the demon prince. She spent most of her time with her best friend but the empty feeling had never been filled when she was with her friend. Which meant... An expression of pure horror spread across her face. I'm in love with the demon prince?!?!? Out of anyone in this whole afterlife, no one could be worse than the demon prince for me to love! When she looked back up at his face, she realized that his face had an identical expression of horror etched across it. They both knew how bad this was. An angel and demon dating had never been heard of, and the fact that they were in the middle of a war and on opposite sides made things even worse. He was the demon prince, for heavens sake! The demon king had already arranged for Cyrus to marry another demon. Things could never work out between them. They stood there, staring at each other, until Selene's friend tugged her away, off the battlefield.
Cyrus was pacing the length of his room in the palace. He couldn't believe it! He was in love with an angel! How did that ever happen?
He knew that this was really bad. They could never be together. The king and queen would have a fit and exile them to the wastelands if they dated, or even if they knew that they were in love with each other. On top of that, the demon king was going to make him marry that other demon girl with the monkey tail, and he had no excuse to get out of that marriage that wouldn't have him and Selene exiled.
Sighing, he continued pacing his room, trying to come up with a solution.

AN: I know I just said I had writers block and I still do but I'll post this for now. When I first thought of this story, I thought it was going to be short but it's going to end up being a long one, maybe 3-5 parts. The next part may be slow to come because as I said I'm kind of stuck on how to continue it to the next major event and this story is kind of out of my comfort zone but I'll try to update it as soon as I come up with something.
Again, thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it.

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