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A/N: Before you start reading I'm just going to warn you that this is another depressing story. I'm really sorry I know I said I would try to write happy fluffy stories and I will I just needed to get this off my chest and I don't really feel up to writing happy stuff right now. I'm really sorry about that but I'll keep trying to write more happy stuff and it'll be a whole lot easier once this bout passes and I'm back to normal. I think I might write a second version of this story with a happy ending though, so at least I'm trying. Anyways, I'm really sorry about this and thanks for dealing with my crap.

He couldn't believe what had happened. It felt like his heart had been ruthlessly torn from his chest, and he was just left to bleed out. He still couldn't quite believe that she had actually given back the necklace. He couldn't believe any of this had happened.

They were standing by the fountain at Mingde. He didn't know how it happened, but somehow they had both met and agreed to come talk. After what had happened the week before, he would've thought that she would be trying to avoid him like he was the devil. And maybe he was the devil, based on what she did to him. She left him. She left him because of his f*cking mother. That b*tch didn't like Shancai just because she wasn't rich. She tried to get Shancai to leave in any and every possible way, and he guessed it finally worked. She had somehow made some of Shancai's friend's families lose their jobs. So Shancai had left. And if the fact that leaving wasn't bad enough, she had to go twist the knife deeper after she had already stabbed him a million times. When she left him standing in the rain that night, she had told him that she didn't think he was worthy and that if she really liked him, she wouldn't be leaving him. And after all that, she just left, throwing a casual "bye" over her shoulder.
Anyways, after all of that, he would've thought that she wouldn't even want to have to look at his face, but here they were, stuck in silence, tension crackling in between them. It was unbearable, and he didn't want to have to through this for longer, so he was preparing to say something when she blurted out, "I have something to give you." At first, he had absolutely no idea what she was doing and thought that she had gone crazy. However, as soon as she pulled out the small gray box, he knew exactly what it was. It shocked him so much, all he could do was stare with his mouth open as she shoved it in his hand, told him it was better to have no contact, and left him there.

He hadn't realized that he was squeezing the necklace. He got so lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize that he was making himself bleed from gripping the necklace so tight. As he watched the blood pooling in his hand, he thought, "Hah. This necklace really was a perfect representation of my love for her. It's unbreakable... but it's unwanted. All it does is end up hurting me..." He didn't understand how any of this happened, but by now, he knew two things. She obviously wasn't fated to be stuck with a brat like him, and she didn't even want him here at all. She had said so herself. So why stay? He didn't want to leave, but if it meant she was happier...
He would do anything for her. Including taking his own life. So he picked up his knife and watched the blood drip down his arms into the puddle that was quickly growing at his feet.

I was not living before. She taught me how to live in exchange for my heart, only to tear the life away from me again and throw my heart back in my face. But if she doesn't want it, then why do I need it either?

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