Destiny, pt 2

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Nighttime had already fallen, and yet Cyrus was still trying to come up with a solution. He had been thinking for such a long time that he was restless. It didn't help that his room was stuffy and crowded either. Sighing, he went outside to get some fresh air.
Cyrus had a favorite spot outside. There was a patch of no mans land far away, almost on the border between the wastelands and the demon and angel cities. On that patch of land was an abandoned fountain that still ran. He usually went there when he couldn't sleep because it would usually soothe him. By that fountain, there were no sounds of weapons firing, no clashing of swords, no souls screaming in pain or anger. Even though he was a demon, he didn't like how the battle scarred everyone and everything around it. Here, he could just relax and look at the stars while listening to the patter of the water in the fountain.
He went to the fountain tonight because he needed to get out of his stuffy room. He was also hoping that being there would help him come up with a way out of this mess he was in. But he got a surprise when he arrived. Sitting next to the fountain was the very same angel he saw on the battlefield today. Sitting there, looking at the stars, was the very girl he was in love with.
Selene had come to this fountain tonight to calm herself after everything that had happened the previous day. She was just trying to get some calm and peace when she realized that the empty space inside her was filled again. Turning around to look, she saw him standing there. He looked like he was trying to leave, but instead of walking away, they just stared at each other. He remained standing for a long time, then eventually came over to sit down beside her. They sat there in silence for awhile, just admiring the stars. It should've been awkward, but it strangely wasn't. Instead, it felt peaceful, almost natural. It was the first time either of them had truly felt calm since they came to this world.
The next couple of nights, Cyrus and Selene continued going to the fountain at night. They told themselves that it was just to get some air, but it really wasn't. They continued meeting at night, at first unplanned, but later they had planned secret meetings. They continued secretly dating for about a month, and all was going well. Until the king and queen found out.
The demon king was furious at Cyrus. Cyrus was the demon prince and yet he had the audacity to betray their whole kingdom and date a mere angel peasant. Even worse, he had already arranged for Cyrus to marry another demon girl named Dalia. She was of a higher class and was quite wealthy. And yet Cyrus had gone and disrespected her like that. The king was going to give him the worst possible punishment - exile. But as he thought about it more, a scheme started to unfurl.
1 month later
Today was the day of Cyrus' marriage. The king had come up with a punishment better than exile and shared it with the angel queen, who agreed. They would hold Cyrus and Selene in prison for the rest of their lives, besides one day. They would force Cyrus to marry Dalia, and they would force Selene to be at the marriage.
Cyrus was still in chains, even on his arranged marriage day. He was stuck in his memories, fading in and out of reality. Sighing, he blinked away tears for the hundredth something time today. He had tried to make things work. He had tried so hard, and yet...

Selene had called Cyrus to their fountain to talk. Cyrus thought that they were going to try and figure a way out of this mess together, but oh how he was wrong. When he got there, Selene was standing, facing away from him. Before he could say anything, she started talking.
"You two really are a good pair.

You know, you should really just stop struggling and go along with the marriage.
It would make everyone's lives easier.
Everyone wants you to marry the demon girl with the monkey tail. Dalia, is that her name?

All you're doing by refusing is making my life and countless others' lives harder than they already are.
So I would really appreciate it if you stopped fighting.
Just forget about me, about us, and get out of my life."

He had tried so hard to help her, and this is what he got in return. Maybe he really had only made things worse for her. That's why he decided to marry the girl with the monkey tail. He didn't like her at all, but he knew now that Selene didn't like him either. He had no choice besides marry the monkey girl or hurt Selene more, so he ended up here today.
Selene wasn't really watching the ceremony. Her eyes were filled with tears. It hurt. It hurt that he was marrying Dalia in the first place. But what hurt even more was the fact that he agreed to it; reluctantly, but still. But then again, she had told him to. She had been unnecessarily mean that night, so she was just getting what she asked for. But she knew that she would never get over this amount of pain. She knew that she would be scarred for the rest of her life.

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