Meteors to Heaven, pt 3 (happy)

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Shancai sat bolt upright, covered in sweat, the bright light blinding her. At first she was confused, because the last thing she remembered was standing in the night, watching Si falling, but she soon realized that she was in Si's room. Once she realized this, her memory came flooding back to her. They had been studying for their exams the night before and she had fallen asleep in his room. She heaved a sigh of relief at the fact that that terrible event had just been a dream and Si was still alive. Funny thing was, even if it was just a dream, she still felt sick of fighting these feelings, and was tired enough of it to give in. But she wasn't annoyed or mad about it, surprisingly. The dream had made her realize that she really did love Si, but it could be too late to tell him if she waited much longer.

Just then, Si walked into his room, startling Shancai out of her thought. She must have looked terrible, because as soon as Si's eyes landed on her, he asked if she was ok. Even though she knew that it had just been a dream, she was filled with tremendous relief and happiness when she saw that he was still alive and well.
When she looked up and saw how much love and concern was in his eyes, she practically threw herself into his arms, surprising them both. She soon realized what she was doing, but her feelings for him had become too much for her to fight anymore. And besides, being in his arms... it just felt so right. So she finally gave in and agreed to be Si's girlfriend.
Si couldn't believe his ears. Shancai had finally agreed to be his girlfriend, and not just as a trial! His face broke into pure jubilation, and he kissed her with all of his happiness and love for her. And to his delight, she didn't pull away. Instead, she kissed him back with just as much fervor, wrapping her arms around his neck.

And in that moment, they both knew that this was the start of something spectacular.

A/N: Yeah ummm sorry about that. I'm terrible at writing in general, so me trying to write happy stuff is probably absolutely terrible. I kind of regret writing this in the first place but oh well.
Thanks for reading and sticking around. Sorry that it took so long to finish this series of one shots. Life's been kind of crazy. Anyways, thanks for being patient, and thanks for reading my stories.

Btw, if anyone has any ideas or prompts or anything, please leave a comment and I'll try to write it to the best of my (almost non existent) ability. I'm running out of ideas, so I would welcome any ideas.

- Horselife

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