Meteors To Heaven, pt 3 (sad)

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The next day
Shancai was walking to Ximen's apartment. Ximen and Meizou had agreed to meet up there so she could give them the book and the letter.

She was still numb from yesterday. After she had read the journal, she had sat there crying for who knows how long.
She could've prevented his death, but she had been too stubborn. She had ignored her heart. She hadn't realized his condition.
Until it was too late.

When she gave them the book and letter, she sat there quietly, waiting for them to read it. Once they had finished reading, they sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity until Meizou started speaking.
"You know...
This wasn't a new thing."
Shancai was confused, asking "What isn't?"
He responded, "His depression."
"Him wanting you die."

"Three times...
Before... that."

But Shancai was still confused, asking "What do you mean three times before???"
So then, Meizou and Ximen launched into his story.

1 year ago
Shancai had just broken up with and left Si. At the time, Ximen and Meizou didn't know about the hurtful words that she had said, but they could tell that Si was a whole lot worse than they'd ever seen him. Later that night, they tried to reach him, but he wasn't answering his texts or calls. Naturally, they became worried, so they went to his house to check on him. No one was home besides the maids, and they all said that Si had gone into his room and hadn't come out since he got home. Not sure what to expect, Ximen and Meizou went into his room. At first, they couldn't find him, but they soon realized that he had locked himself in the bathroom. Worried, they knocked a few times, but with no response. This just made them even more concerned, because by now, they both had a really bad feeling in their stomachs that they couldn't shake. They ended up asking the maids for the key and opened the door. But they weren't expecting what they saw at all.
Si was slumped against the bathroom wall in the corner. A razor blade sat on the sink, stained red from liquids they didn't want to identify, but deep down, they knew exactly what it was.
But worst of all were Si's wrists. There was still blood dripping out of them, adding to the puddle underneath him.
This was the first time he tried to leave, and thankfully the hospital could still save him.

The second time was about 6 months later.
It was a bad night.
No, by now, every single day was bad, but tonight was particularly terrible. And it was concerning them, especially with his history.
They were sitting in the park next to the river. Si was watching the river rush past, a beer bottle in his hand. Tonight, he was drinking more than he usually did when he was trying to forget, to relieve himself from the pain of life. Si eventually threw the bottle on the ground, shattering it, and walked off. Ximen and Meizou decided to follow him about 10 minutes later.
As it turned out, Si had gone to the beach. When they got there, they saw a darker lump against the already dark ocean.
It was Si.
He had tried to leave again, to escape, this time by drowning.
Thankfully, they had gotten lucky again and got there in time to be able to get him to the hospital in time, but this pattern was seriously scaring Meizou and Ximen even more because they knew that if he kept it up, there would be one day that they couldn't get there in time.

The third time was about three and a half months later.
Si wasn't picking up calls again, so Ximen and Meizou went looking for him at his house. They found him, again locked in the bathroom, unconscious. But this time it wasn't a razor he had used to harm himself. He had an open bottle of pills sitting on the floor next to him.
He had downed at least half the pills, which would have easily killed him had they been left in his stomach for an hour more.
He had gotten closer to death this time than he had ever before. And it scared them, because they were powerless to change it. But they had to keep it a secret. No one was allowed to say anything about any of it because Si was the heir of the Daoming group. So Shancai didn't know about it. Neither did Lei. The school didn't even know. Daomjng Feng just told them that Si was "sick."
After the third time, Si seemed fine. Or, at least, he didn't seem as depressed as he was. By the fourth time, he was almost back to normal; laughing and smiling as usual, maybe just a bit more reserved, but that was understandable. He was able to look people in the eye and say he was fine with a smile. Everyone had believed him.

But oh, how they were wrong.

It was all just a decoy. An act he was putting up. But people had made the mistake of believing it. It wasn't their fault. They didn't notice that he smiled way more than he should. They didn't notice that his smiles never reached his eyes. They didn't notice that he always held himself in a slumped over position, like he was trying to make himself as small as possible so he wouldn't be noticed or bothered. It wasn't so their fault that no one could see past the fake smile plastered on his face or the false happiness he forced into his eyes and voice.
But now, because people can't see, or choose to ignore, these everyday problems all around us, he was gone.


A/N: Sorry guys this is just really depressing crappy trash. I honestly don't even know why I thought writing was a good idea because I always fail miserably at it. So anyways, if you're still here, thank you a lot for reading my trash and sorry for torturing you.
- Horselife

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