Meteors To Heaven (part 1)

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*This is an alternative ending to Meteor Garden where Shancai broke up with Si after the one month trial.

He was standing on the balcony with her, watching the meteor shower. She had finally agreed to date him, and he would've been exuberant, but he knew it was only because Lei was dating someone else.

A month later, she still didn't like him.
They broke up.

He was standing on the roof of the building, the wind tousling his hair. He was thinking about everything that had happened in the past year. He was thinking about his decision, and if this was really his destiny. He wondered. He wondered if, had he never met Shancai, would he be standing here right now? But then, would he ever had known what love was? But along with love came great pain, and it seemed to Si like he was stuck in the pain part and wouldn't be able to get out. He wondered, what if he had never been born? Wouldn't that have saved many people from the burden he was?
Tears started to fall, the first sign of emotion besides that dull, sad look in his eye in a long time, but the wind just blew them away.
He looked down at the streets packed with cars and people far below.
He whispered a quiet goodbye to the world.

He jumped.

As he was falling, a meteor shower began.
He gave a little smile.
Maybe this was his destiny. Why else would there be a meteor shower on this exact day, twice?
The last thought that ran through his mind before he hit the pavement below was I'm just like the meteors. We're both falling to our deaths.
A/N - sorry this chapter was so short but there will be a part two. This is just where the two separate endings started.
For those of you who didn't know, I had originally planned to make this story a separate multi chapter story, but I decided to put it in here as a two part one shot because I didn't really have a plan for the parts before this. If you've made it this far, first I want to say thank you very much for dealing with my depressing trash and actually reading it. Second, you probably already know that my mind is very messed up and depressing, and if you're reading this, then you know it's depressing. Originally, the whole ending had been depressing - wow, big surprise, right- but, I surprisingly thought of a different, happy ending, so I've decided to write both. The depressing one will most likely be better written but you know maybe I shouldn't make people sad.
Anyways, thanks a lot for reading my crappy stories and sorry for rambling so much. I think the authors note is longer than the actual chapter by now.
- Horselife

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