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Reader's POV


Hello. My name is Ashikaga (Y/N). You all probably know me as the daughter of an iconic prosecuter-detective team well-known in Kyoto, Japan.

My mother, Kazane was a persuasive prosecuter. As she always says to me; if there's no evidence to a claim, it bears no meaning to the case. Although she doesn't have the perfect record for declaring each client guilty, she always manages to find the real culprit behind it. She may be fearsome inside the courtroom, but outside; she was such a lovely lady. She was kindhearted to those around her and never ceased an opportunity to help others. Although, she may be a bit too persuasive, I think its the trait that my father fell in love with her.

Speaking of my father, Itsuko. He's a real sweetheart! He's a cheerful man who always saw the bright side of things, unlike my mom who's actually more of neutral. But when there's a case that is to be solved, he works and disappears for weeks into his investigation. He always makes sure that all evidence remains seen and none examined. He says that having proof to back up evidence is vital; every item in the crime has potential to become proof.

At first, they were only business partners until love blossomed between the two. You can thank my dad, he's a total romantic. He told me of the most beautiful love story to swoon for, but that's a story for another day. One thing was for certain though, they fell hard and fast for each other.

I was the first child born of the two. I remember it was on (birthdate), a sunday morning. When I was born, both my parents instantly fell in love with me that they took a two month leave just to be able to spend time with me. When I became two years old, they started taking me along with their office. I rememberer that I loved to pretending to be a detective while there. Mom says that I was smart for my age when I was little. Who knew a three year old could render someone, whose a lot older than her speechless?

At the time when they started taking me with them to their office, my mom was pregnant with my younger sister. On the ninth of July, a Friday evening; my little sister, Kaede was born. Again, my parents did the same as when I was born. They took a two month leave to be able to spend time with Kaede.

At first, I was confused. What was this small human being doing in my house inside of my room? As time passed, I grew to love Kaede with all my heart. When she turned two, mom and dad started taking her to their office along with me. She wasn't as interested in detective business or as a prosecuter. She had taken an interest in becoming a defense lawyer. Despite being a prosecuter, my dad gave his full support and his own knowledge to make Kaede's dream a fruition.

We were a happy family of four. Until I came home with Kaede from school to hear the most exciting news. We were moving to Shibuya. My mom and dad got a job there and I was so excited I could scream! They were supposedly to investigate on a phenomenal case that was ongoing.

As we moved to Shibuya, we had a bigger house. Me and Kaede had our own rooms, but we decided to stay together in one room. Kaede was too afraid to be alone without me. When we moved in, another exciting news we had. We were having a baby brother. Me and my sister were thrilled. Ashikaga Ame was born on the twenty fifth of December, right on Christmas day. What a lovely Christmas present!

We were all happy. Until that day when I came home after my first day on my new highschool. I was a freshman first year at Shujin Academy and all the students seemed pretty nice. I managed to befriend Makoto Nijima, whose sister Sae Nijima was a partner of my mother.

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