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((Little note. Here's Kaede and Ame's official looks. I drew them myself and I hope they help a little with your imagination! ^^ Anyway, continue reading!))

Reader's Viewing


As the car ride went on, my thoughts about the mysterious raven-haired boy was ringing on my head. He looked so much like him. He couldn't be him... He's all the way in Kyoto! Did he...?

"Is there something bothering you, Ashikaga? You seem quiet." Akechi's voice interrupted my train of thought. I looked at him and saw him looking at me with concern filling his eyes.

"I-I just remembered something..." I muttered. I looked at Kaede; who seemed to know what was going on. Kaede no-

"It's about him. Isn't it?" She asked. Great. Good job on being blunt there, Kaede. I looked back at the window to hear her sigh. "Come on, (Y/N). It's okay to talk about it."

"I'm fine, thank you very much." I answered, annoyed. Leave me alone, Kaede. Take a hint, sis. I felt someone pull me towards them. It was my younger sister. She gave a pout.

"You know how much I hate seeing you like this." Kaede reminded me. She hated it whenever I hid something from her. Whether it be good or bad. She's going to be a great defense attorney. "I told you, I'm fi-"

"Objection!" She screamed, almost everyone in the car flinched when she did. Her voice may was soft, but right now she sounded commanding... And adorable at the same time. Swoon, Akechi. Swoon. "You're obviously upset. The evidence states so!" She pointed at me. I gave out a small 'tch' before replying to her claim.

"What's the evidence then, Attorney Ashikaga?" I nonchalantly replied, a playful grin curling up my lips. This should be good.

"Body language." She replied. I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"You're slightly slumped, and the expression on your face seemed nostalgic." She declared. I could've sworn I heard Akechi say something about Kaede being adorable. Could be wrong, though. Brushing that aside, I rolled my eyes at her.

"That's not very decisive evidence, Attorney." I said, shaking my head. She flipped her bangs, her ego rising. Eh? "Is it? Then why are you holding onto a ring given by someone from a certain event from your childhood?"

I was confused, so I looked down to see my hand stroking the ring on my ring finger. My cheeks reddened as I immediately took my hand off it. She caught me off-guard.

"Hah! I've gotten you speechless! Now... Spill it! You miss yo-"

The car stopped abruptly. We were at our destination. Oh thank goodness... I sighed in relief. Glad to not answer that question. Take that, Kaede!

"Looks like we have arrived at your destination." Akechi smiled as Kaede's face began burning up, remembering he was there. "Study well, Ashikaga-Chan."

Kaede blushed and nodded. "I-I will.." She managed to breathe out. Even if she's seen Akechi numerous times, he somehow makes her breathless every time. Guess being a high school detective make you attractive.

"Good luck on the case, Goro. Tell me when you find something." I reminded as the male nodded his head. Ame went up and hugged me and Kaede. "Stay safe at school!" He gave a huge grin. "W-We will..." Kaede stuttered, embarrassed at her little 'incident'.

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