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Akira's POV

"Nee-chan always has my back! I love her so much!" The tiny child giggled and smiled, showing the gap between her teeth. I could only grin at her and pat her head.

"She sounds amazing." I smiled while she grinned more and showed a drawing she just recently drew. "Look!! I even drew us two together!! We're partners in crime!!!" She giggled, twirling around.

"Partners in crime, indeed. You're a lawyer! She's a detective, right?" She nodded as she jumped around, excited. "I can't wait for you to meet her!! She's so amazing!!" Her (E/C) eyes sparkled.

"Hey, you two! Are you playing without me again?" We both immediately darted our heads as we both heard a voice we both knew too well.



I can't believe I just saw Kaede after so many years.

Even if it has been for so long, I could recognize that soft-toned voice anywhere.

Ashikaga, Kaede. I used to be her babysitter and playmate whenever her parents aren't around. Er- it was more of my parents telling me to take care of her while they were out talking to her parents.

I remember a lot about of her. She was an absolute sweetheart. She always bugged me to play courthouse or whatever with her. She told me she wanted to practice before she would be able to enter law school. She was so obsessed with being a lawyer, other than her being an absolute sweetheart, it practically was her whole personality.

She always told me how much she wanted to be a lawyer one day and how much she looked up to her big sister. It feels like yesterday when she was rambling on how amazing her sister is.

Wait.. What was her name again..?

I looked down at my bracelet. The one I had kept that was made by Kaede from a long time ago. I smiled. I had no idea their family moved in Shibuya. Maybe I should pay her and her sister a visit.

Ah darn. I got lost in my thoughts again.

I checked my phone to see the time. Ah. I'm already late for the afternoon classes. Nothing too serious. Not like the school sees me as a "good and obedient" student. It won't cause me that much damage to my reputation than it already had.

I checked on the girl Kaede was with. She's covered in multiple bruises and scars. This girl... I've seen play volleyball with on the team. Is she also a Kamoshida victim?

I questioned myself more and more as I continued walking down the hallways and into the nurse's office. She asked me a few questions before I was asked to leave. I wanted to stay and skip class to watch over, but I should've known they wouldn't let a student with an assault record watch over a poor innocent girl.

Hell, they're probably thinking I caused her bruises.

As I walked into the class, they all looked at me as if I did something wrong. Ms. Kawakami stared at me for a while, before I was asked to take a seat.

My class went by like a breeze. I'm glad that the teacher didn't have to make me introduce myself to the class. It's not like I had to anyway. I'm a "criminal boy", so as my classmates say.

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