Chapter 4

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"Sometimes i just got to let go of my ego in order to live"

"Why did you ignore all my texts and calls?" he shouted but his face immediately softens when he looks at her.

"what happen?" he asks as he cupped her face with his hands.

He leans in to kiss her but immediately broke apart when he noticed tears rolling down her cheeks.

The hug and kiss that used to ease all her anger, stress or negativity cant help her now. She doesn't know what's with the sudden urge but she gathers up her courage and determine to break up with him now.

"jungkook... I am sorry" she appeared sorrowful.

"why? are you okay? what happen? " jungkook crinkled his brows in confusion and bombard her with questions.

"let's break up," she says.

Jungkook was very against it at first but after saying a lot of hurt stuff that she probably doesn't mean it, he agrees to it. She saw the pain in his eyes and she knows that she hurt him but she doesn't have any choice.

He walks off but suddenly stops, without turning his head over, "Mr Lim offered to send me overseas for internship and i rejected it but now i think i don't have a reason to reject it" he smiles bitterly but she will never get to see that smile on his face. Jennie knows she hurt him when she saw him walk away with his head down.


"After disappearing for so long, you wanted me to introduce you jobs?" jisoo frown.

After explaining to jisoo what had happened, she felt sorry for jennie.

"yah don't pity me, i am fine" jennie hated when people pity her perhaps her ego was too high for that.

"introduce me in" jennie says as she wanted to pay off her debts and break ties with taehyung.

"Is it normally so noisy?" jennie frown and shout as the music was too loud.

"yeah, i told you that you wouldn't be suitable for it, want to leave now?" jisoo shouted back.

jennie shake her head.

After a while, a woman who was on full makeup walk over to them. The makeup didn't help to cover the fact that she was 40 over years old as wrinkles can be seen on her face. After eyeing jennie from top to bottom, she ushers them to a room as it is much quieter there.

"there isn't anymore slot for singer but there is a slot for" she pauses and eye jennie from top to bottom.

"i heard you are in need of money, this slot is perfect for it as long as you work hard for it" she smirked at her.

As much as jennie hate how she smirks at her, she cants help but drop her ego and asks about the job scope.

After hearing the job scope, she immediately protests but upon hearing the pay, she hesitated. Her hesitation makes the woman smirk and she really hated how she smirks at her, it was as if she was mocking her or looking down on her.

"come on, it just involves some drinking with those businessmen out there and accompanying them, nothing much. I believe as long as you drop ur that ego and smile more, you can earn more than 20k a month" she smirks and tap on her shoulder.

Jennie's eyes widen when she heard the specific pay, she was considering, really considering.

"the slot might be taken up soon, so be quick on making your decision, i don't like waiting" she gives her one last tap before leaving the room.

"its okay, i can help you look for other jobs" jisoo say and tap on her shoulder.

"i want!" jennie shouted across and the woman who was about to open the door to leave, stop when she heard it.

"want what?" the woman closes the door, turn around and smirk.

"to work... that" jennie replies weakly.

"report to me tomorrow then! remember to wear lesser" she smirks at her again and went out.

"jennie! do you know what you are doing?!" jisoo shout in a whisper.

"trust me" jennie tap on jisoo's shoulder, giving her a look showing that she is clear about what she is doing.

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