Chapter 7

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"i don't feel like starting the next chapter, i just feel like re-reading my last one"

"Love has no gender, be yourself, i know it's tough" If jin's face wasn't so serious, jungkook wouldn't even take it seriously but his seriousness makes jungkook wanted to laugh so badly. Jin has been on his office since morning, talking about random stuff that he got no idea what he is talking about.

"what are you talking about?" jungkook try to hold back his laughter.

"listen, i know how hard you are trying, i saw it yesterday but don't force yourself" he places his hand on top of jungkook's hand.

jungkook smile drop when he remembers what happened yesterday. "how you know about it?" he asks with no expression on his face.

"i have been with you since the day you step into this company, i watch you from minor staff to the manager, you think you can hide that from me?" jin furrows his brows.

"i thought i hide it very well" jungkook smile bitterly.

"it's really okay to be gay, now tell me about it" jin nod his head.

"WHAT?! GAY?!" jungkook crinkled his brows in confusion.

"what? don't tell me you are not?" jin's eyes widen.

"of course i am not, what makes you think i am" jungkook scoff and shot him a disgusted look.

"you always show no interest in girls and yesterday you suddenly so enthu about that girl so i thought you are trying to cover the fact that you like guys" jin try to explain.

"you and your weird logic" jungkook laughed at his explanation and pushes his head with his index finger.

"that girl you see yesterday is my ex" jungkook laugh when he saw how jin's eyes widen upon hearing it.

"i am not going to explain how we broke up, i not ready to go through that again" jungkook narrow his eyes when he saw jin raising his eyebrows, waiting to listen for more.

"who says i want to listen to how you guys broke up? i wanted to know how you guys get together" jin immediately say when he saw that pain in jungkook's eyes when he mentions about broke up.

Jungkook's lip instantly curves up and his eyes lit up when he thinks about how he and she got together.

He licks his lip and started saying "We were like really good friend before we get together. One day when we were about to go home, it started raining so we decided to wait till the rain stops. Both of us sat down on the canteen bench and after a few minutes of comfortable silence, i started making a joke and she laughs. I really loved the way she laughs, every time she laughed or smiled, i fell a little bit more in love.

That moment, i decided to try my luck so i told her i like her. I was so scared when i saw how her smile fades slowly from her lip. I unknowingly repeated what I said and this time round I sound more firm. When I didn't observe any form rejection in her face, I suddenly got the courage to go on and tell her that i want to date her. She stares at me for a long moment, then looks away. She told me she can't because she isn't ready and i was kinda angry that moment so i ask her why. She told me she like me but she can't date me yet and until now i don't know what's the reason behind it.

But anyways, after that, the following day, and the day after that, and the day after, i begin doing all the things that a boyfriend would do to his girl even though we are not together. 

Because i know, deep in my heart, i already recognize her as my girlfriend even though she hasn't accepted me. One month after the confession, she had yet given me an answer and things can still go on as usual if i didn't see this...

She is talking to a guy and the guy is smiling at her, their faces were so close, almost touching. She said something and her lips curve upwards, that moment i wanted to beat up that guy but i didn't, i shove her hard against the row of lockers. A grunt slips from her lips when her back touch the wall. i slam my lip onto hers and her eyes closed shut, her mouth moving unbidden against mine."

"err okay, you describe a little too much on the kissing part, can i know what happens next instead?" jin licks his mouth and say awkwardly.

"After that, i jerk away with this satisfied smile on my face and i slinging my arm around her shoulder to pull her closer and introduce her as my girlfriend to the surround people that are throwing weird look at us." jungkook finished off with a satisfied smile on his face.

My possessive boyfriend - jenkookWhere stories live. Discover now