Chapter 5

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"i have become the person i hated the most"

After eyeing her from top to bottom, she shakes her head lightly.

"pull your skirt higher" she demands. No matter how unwilling jennie is, she obeys her and pulls her skirt higher.

Maybe her first day was lucky, she didn't meet any nasty customer.

Her day always repeat, go to school in the afternoon and work at night till midnight. 6 months has past and she always has the mindset that after earning enough money to pay taehyung, she will leave the job immediately, but little did she know the job slowly changed her...

Time flies as she managed to pass her dad's funeral, her engagement party, and her graduation party.

One night when jennie was leaving for work, she opens the door and taehyung lean in, falling onto her.

"why are you so drunk?" jennie asks while trying to drag him onto the sofa.

taehyung try to open his bloodshot eyes and look at her. His eyes then move down to the clothes she wears and she covers up with both her arms, not daring to look at his eyes.

"you really hated me that much? that you don't mind being touch by those old fellows in the club just to pay your debts so you can leave me?!" taehyung shouted sloppily and look up at her.

"you are drunk" jennie say and try to leave but was held back by him.

"why don't you tell me earlier?! i can pay you higher!" he shouted while he tightens his grip on her wrist.

"how much they pay you a night? is $5k enough? or do you want more? how about i give you $10k and you strip now?" his voice got higher and higher.

Tears unknowingly roll down her cheeks, she never felt so insulted in her life before. She slaps him with her free hand, causing him to let go of his grip on her. She runs away after that.


Jennie comes back the next morning, she didn't go to work that night. She opens the door light, hoping that taehyung wasn't at home but the moment she opens the door, she saw taehyung sitting on the sofa.

"sign it and we won't be related anymore" his voice sounds very tired, perhaps he didn't even get to sleep the entire night.

"the--- the money i owe you i will pay you as soon as possible," she says weakly.

"don't need, just get off my life, i don't want to see you anymore," he says and walks off.

She walks over to sign on the paper and move out with her mum. She rented a house near her working area, not that she purposely rent a house there but because the area there was in fact more complicated hence the rental was cheaper.

"jennie i don't want to stay here, i want to stay with tae" her mum pouts and fold her arms.

After her dad passed away, her mum would occasionally act like a kid, she not sure why but she just assumes that this is her mum's way of not facing the reality that he had passed away.

"mum, don't be like that, we can't keep trouble him" jennie bend down and unfold her mum's arm before sitting beside her.

"i don't like here, it's small and stuffy" her mum pouts while turning her head, scanning the small area around her.

jennie sigh to massage her own back as she was tired from unpacking all the luggage and tidying the house.


"are you sure you really want to quit?" jisoo asked her the Nth times.

"yes, how many times do you want me to say?" jennie says while scanning the newspaper, highlighting all the jobs that she thinks it's reasonable and calls them one by one.

She has called Nth times, gotten several interview opportunities but always get rejected by them.

"the sales drop because you aren't there" jisoo pouts.

"Stop flattering me, if i am really that good, i wouldn't get rejected by all the interviewers i went" she let out a laugh.

"please, i wonder who always top the cohort" jisoo teases.

jennie laugh for a moment but the smile drop after a while.

"are you sure that you don't want to be a doctor anymore?" jisoo pat on her back.

"why did you bring it up again?" Jennie looks up at her with her shock face.

"i just dont want you to regret in the future"

"you know what? i wish i didn't study so hard back then" jennie laugh, the laugh that even she herself thinks is genuine and jisoo just laugh along.

Jennie was too naive back then, she thought the world was simple, as long as you work hard, there will be result. But when she was searching for a job, she realizes the world doesn't run this way, no matter how good her grades are, if she doesn't have a powerful background, no one is willing to give her a chance, don't even mention about working hard or not if she doesn't even have the chance.

Suddenly her phone ring, a person called and say that she passed the interview. She jumped up knowing that she passed the interview and she asks carefully which job isit as she has gone to several interviews. After hearing the pay, she thank the person and says that she will get back to them as soon as possible but her voice was filled with disappointment.

"what job isit?" jisoo ask.

"cashier at supermart" jennie reply.

"serious? whats the pay?" she asked again.

"1200..." jennie furrows her brows as her rental for the house itself it's already eight hundred and she was even planning to get a maid to take care of her mum at home.

"be my cleaner 1300 you want?" jisoo joked.

jennie laugh and slap her arm.

"okay but i am serious, think about what i said, she hasn't submitted your resignation letter, come back whenever you want, we will welcome you" jisoo tap lightly on jennie's shoulder.

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