Chapter One - The Center

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There was nothing to do. You were sprawled out on the small twin bed that you were given at the shelter, head turned to the side to watch the people pass out your window. Every once in a while you'd see a hybrid, being dragged behind their human as they were leashed, and you remembered why sometimes, you didn't mind being in the shelter. 

You were fortunate enough to have been found by Kim Namjoon himself, the owner of the shelter. Your previous owner had left you, chained to a dumpster in an alleyway, telling you that he'd be back in three days. You were given strict instructions to stay there, but halfway through the second day, a young man approached you. Bundled in a winter coat and scarf, he tentatively stepped towards you, hand held out before him.

"Hey kitty, I'm Namjoon. What's your name?"

He had technically asked you to speak but you didn't want to break a rule and speak out of turn, so you raised a shaking hand to the leather collar nearly choking you. He leaned in slightly, squinting to see the word, 'Y/N', in spiked silver letters. He moved to take off his coat, sliding his scarf off as well and holding them out towards you.

"I'll be right back Y/N, I'm going to go get something to cut those chains with. Stay here, cover yourself with the coat and scarf, you're shaking from the cold. I'm sure you're probably scared right now, but I promise I won't hurt you, I'm here to help."

He dashed off down the street, turning sharply in the direction of a shelter that you had heard of before. You debated it for a while, finally deciding to ignore the coat and scarf still laying on your lap. You didn't want to take anything from a human, you knew better than that.

He was back within ten minutes, a silver tool gripped in his hand. He approached you slowly, mindful of the way your ears were flattened back on your grimy hair. He had sawed the chains right off of your wrists, coaxing you into his coat and scarf and leading you back to his shelter. 

He had explained that he was the owner of the place, and had helped you through a bath, given you dinner, and tucked you into a cozy little bed. He had gained your full trust that night, and you had developed a very strong bond with the man. He was the first person at the shelter you'd go to if you had a problem.

You snapped back to reality as you stared out the window once more. Humans were always in so much of a rush, they never stopped or slowed down to enjoy the little things in life. They passed the shelter without even glancing your way, eyes focused on either their smartphones or the ground in front of them. You wished that one, just one, would look at you, once, without any ulterior motives. No sexual intentions, no lust-driven gazes, just genuine care.

You rolled over, looking at your bookcase instead of the window and choosing a book to read. Another plus of being so close to Namjoon was that he brought you new books each week. He stopped by the bookstore before work each Monday, and sometimes, if you'd been especially good, he'd bring you with him. You decided on Tarzan, and settled back on your bed, curling up in the sunspot stretched across your blanket. This was your sixth time reading Tarzan, but you couldn't help it, it was so good. You were nearly to the beginning of the second chapter when your nose began twitching. 

A delicious scent filled the air, most heavily populated near the window. You turned your head, expecting a child with a pastry in their hands but instead, meeting eyes with a man, one who was staring straight back at you. You jumped, slightly startled by the sudden eye contact. You moved onto your knees, pressing your hands up on the glass in front of you as you stared at him. Your tail swished behind you and your ears stood straight on your head. He copied your gesture, hesitantly placing his hands over yours on the other side of the glass. Your heart sank as the glass sat between you two, and you wanted nothing more than to have it melt away and to have your hands meet. 

You both stayed there for a moment, frozen and staring into each other's eyes before he snapped out of it, holding up one finger as he darted towards the entrance of the shelter. Your ears drooped as he pulled his hands away but you hoped that he would come and see you, you hoped that one of the exotic hybrids wouldn't steal him away from you.


Seokjin burst into the door of the shelter, attracting more attention than he would have liked. He blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, and nervously shoving the other in his pants pocket. He met eyes with the man behind the counter who offered him a smile.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yes, um, the cat, at least, I think they were a cat, the cat hybrid in the window, what's their name?"

"Y/N, their name is Y/N." Namjoon answered the frantic man, heart slowly sinking in his chest. He wanted you to have a good home, he really did, but he wasn't eager to give you away either.

"Can I meet them please?"

"Of course, I'll go tell them now, wait here."


You sat in your room, trying desperately to scent the man who you knew was in the lobby. His smell was sweet, not overly masculine or feminine, but the perfect in between. One of the smells from the lobby got closer to you, and your heart leapt in excitement, but you calmed yourself when you recognized Namjoon's scent.

He cracked open the door, peeking inside and meeting your eyes with a small grin, "Y/N, there's someone here to meet you."

Ragdoll - Kim Seokjin x Hybrid!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now