Chapter Two - The Meeting

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Your heart starting beating faster in your chest as you stared at Namjoon. 

"O-Okay. What's his name?"

"I don't know, but you can ask him when he's in here love." You nodded at his response, trying to control yourself before the mystery man came inside.

You heard Namjoon lead the man to your room and your mouth practically watered as his irresistible scent got closer. After five seconds that seemed like hours, the door creaked open again, this time showing both Namjoon and the man you'd seen outside. He smiled at you, plump lips curling up into an adorable grin. He was rather broad-shouldered, dyed blonde hair falling in messy waves over his forehead. 

Your cat eyes were probably in the shape of hearts as you regarded the man, a shy smile stretching over your face.

"So sir, this is Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. She's a ragdoll cat hybrid. I'll let her introduce herself more now, I'll be out front if you need anything."

He closed the door behind him, trying to force himself not to frown, He really did want a good home for you, he really did, but he loved having you at the shelter, he selfishly wanted to keep you as his own. He wanted to always be in your life, he didn't want to ever be replaced. He had two hybrids of his own, Jimin and Taehyung, Jimin was a scottish fold hybrid, while Taehyung was a black lab. Both absolutely adored you and tried to get Namjoon to bring them in to the shelter every single day, but he couldn't. This was yet another reason why Namjoon didn't want to let someone adopt you, the three of them together would be miserable for the rest of their lives.

Meanwhile, Jin stood in the middle of the room, palms beginning to sweat as he stood there.

"H-Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin. He said your name was Y/N?"

"Yeah. That's me." You found yourself looking down at the floor and away from his beautiful brown eyes out of anxiety. You'd never had a potential owner that you wanted to impress, they'd always been after your body, or just the title of owning a hybrid.

"So, Y/N, tell me about yourself."

"Oh. Uhm, I'm sorta shy, sorry, and I like to read." You gestured to the half open copy of Tarzan still laying on the bed.

"I can tell." He gave you a cheeky smile and stepped further into the room.

"May I sit?" He gestured to the bed that you were sat on and you nodded quickly. He sat not too close to you, keeping a respectful distance between the two of you as you weren't too familiar. His fingers twiddled together as he tried to think of what to say.

"And I-"

"I was-" You spoke in unison, both cutting yourself off.

"Oh! You go first."

"Go ahead." Again, you spoke simultaneously, giggling at the situation.

"Y/N, you can go first."

"Okay, thank you. I was just going to say that I don't really know what to tell you about myself. I don't know what to say."

"Well, though I'm sure there's more to you than being shy and liking to read," He gave you a playful wink, "I'm sure you'll be more comfortable around me after l spend more time with you. How long am I able to stay here with you?"

"I.. I don't know. No one's ever wanted to stay before."

You looked away from his face just before it fell, ashamed that you'd never been sought after for more than two minutes.

"Well," You felt his warm hand gripping yours and your breath hitched, "I'd like to stay for as long as possible. In all honesty I'd like to adopt you, but I want to give you time to adjust first."



"You really want to adopt me?" You tilted your head to the side and stared at him, ears twitching.

"I do."

The smile that grew on your face warmed Jin's heart, he loved the way that your elongated incisors added to the cuteness of your appearance. He squeezed your hand that was still in his grasp, smiling up at you. He wanted to reach up and pet your ears but he respected your boundaries, and to refrain himself, held your one hand with both of his. You ducked your head down, trying to avoid letting him see the raging blush on your face.

"Well, so that we get more comfortable, why don't I tell you about myself. I work at a cafe, I'm one of the baristas there. I live with a roommate in a two bedroom apartment, but hopefully, after tonight, we won't be the only ones there anymore." He squeezed your hands and a small smile crept onto your face.

"Y/N, would you be alright with me taking you home tonight?"

"I don't think I'd be alright if you didn't."

(Bit of a short chapter but I thought this was a good place to end it so sorry :')  ) 

Ragdoll - Kim Seokjin x Hybrid!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now