Chapter Four - Home

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Seokjin helped you out of the car, leading you up to the front door of his apartment. He slid the key in the lock, twisting the doorknob and pushing the door open. The entire apartment was completely dark, blinds pulled everywhere and lights all off. It scared you a bit and you clutched harder at Seokjin's hand that you were holding.

He smiled at you, "Don't worry, it's just my roommate. I think you know him actually, Min Yoongi?" 

Your eyes lit up and you nodded, "Yeah! He's Joonie's friend, he comes by the shelter sometimes, we nap together!"

Seokjin laughed at your excitement, guiding you through the dark after he closed the door. He stopped by the back of the couch, gesturing for you to come over as well. You peered over the back of the couch, smiling when you saw Yoongi snuggled into a blanket, face squished against the cushions of the couch. Seokjin poked cautiously at his foot, but when it did nothing he sighed and shook his shoulder.

"Yoongi, Yoongi wake up. There's someone here, I adopted a hybrid. Come see."

The words, 'I adopted a hybrid' seemed to stir Yoongi, his eyes wide as he sat bolt upright. He looked around, eyes finally landing on you as he visibly relaxed, sweet gummy smile on full display as he rubbed his eyes.

"Y/N, is he telling the truth? You gonna live here from now on?"

You nodded excitedly, tail waving behind you in the air. Yoongi's smile grew and he pulled you into an awkward hug from his position on the couch.

Jin flicked on some lights, (speaking of lights can someone rant with me about it because it's not okay with me), ignoring Yoongi when he groaned about it. 

"Y/N, we only have one bedroom, and we found bunk beds for pretty cheap at a garage sale when we moved in. So you can either sleep in my bed or Yoongi's, or just switch each night. I know it's not ideal, but now that we've both got stable jobs, we're saving to maybe move or just refurbish this apartment. I'm sorry that you're gonna have to squish."

Jin seemed slightly embarrassed by their small apartment but you waved it off, "I like being close to people, it helps me sleep better."

"Okay, well, I'm getting kinda hungry, would you like something to ear Y/N?"

You nodded shyly, ears flicking as you trailed after Seokjin to his kitchen. He opened the fridge, pulling out leftover pasta and opening it, letting you smell it before you committed.

"Did you want some of this? It's not old, it's only from last night. Yoongi made it, it's really good."

You nodded, thanking him as he put a bowl of it into the microwave. He made a bowl for himself as well, swapping the bowls out in the microwave when yours was done. Yoongi came in and made his own bowl, sitting down with you two at the table. You took a bite of the pasta, humming as the warm food nearly melted in your mouth. You felt a purr rumble up in your chest and Yoongi laughed at your response to his food.

"I'm guessing you like it?"

You nodded, thanking the both of them for the food and nearly choking with how fast you ate after that. You finished first, fidgeting on the chair and playing with the tip of your tail as you sat there. Yoongi noticed your somewhat nervous posture, knowing that you liked to cuddle and sleep after a meal. He reached over, tapping your shoulder and opening his arms. You smiled giddily, crawling onto his lap and rubbing your cheek on his chest. A purr came from your chest again as your eyes grew droopy, and you felt yourself fall asleep while Yoongi and Seokjin finished their meals.


You blinked your eyes open, sleepily shifting in the arms that held you securely to a chest. You peered up at the person that was holding you, seeing Seokjin's smiling face staring down at you. You gave him a shy smile back, nuzzling into his chest and bringing your tail up to wrap around his wrist. You realized that you were purring, having been doing it in your sleep. You also saw your little cat plushy tucked into your arms, only now realizing that you had left it at the shelter.

"Yoongi had to go to work, that's why I have you now. I hope you don't mind, Yoongi said you were super cuddly. And Namjoon came over to bring you your kitty, he said you couldn't sleep without it." You smiled, nodding and hiding your face in his neck. You inhaled his scent, his sweet wonderful scent that was the whole reason he'd ever come into the shelter. You peered out to watch the tv show that Seokjin had on, giggling gently at some of the jokes that they made. To be honest, you were mostly just laughing at Seokjin's laugh, but it was still a wonderful feeling to have.

Something that Seokjin had said only now registered, making you lift your head from his chest.

"Jin, you said you worked at a coffee shop, right?"

"Yeah, I do." He smiled down at you.

"When do you work?" Your brows were furrowed and your fingers twiddled with each other.

"Monday through Friday, eight to five. I have to go in tomorrow actually. But Yoongi doesn't have a consistent work schedule. I don't know if he's ever told you or if you know, but he's a pretty famous rapper. So because he's producing his own music he doesn't have to work every single day, especially not from his company's office. He can work from home if he works at all in a day. So more often than not, if I'm not here, Yoongi will be."

You nodded, you knew that Yoongi made music, you listened to all of his songs and you were incredibly proud of him. He even got you tickets to some of his shows! You felt more comforted that someone would be home with you most times, but you still wished that Seokjin didn't have to leave.

Jin glanced at the clock, seeing that it was well past ten at night. He stood, lifting you with him and leading you down to a bedroom down the hall. He set you on the bottom bunk bed, ducking into the closet and coming back out in pajamas. He let you change too, and when you came back out he was already buried under the covers, arms open wide for you to join. You crawled in, smiling and pressing yourself against his chest. He ran a hand through your hair, slowly falling asleep to the sound of your purrs.

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