Chapter Three - Adoption

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Namjoon had called his friend Min Yoongi, asking him to pick up Jimin and Taehyung and bring them to the shelter pronto. His plan was underhanded and sneaky, but he hoped that if Jimin and Taehyung found out that you were most likely getting taken home with someone, that they'd throw a fit and the man would leave. He felt guilt weigh heavy on his heart, you had seemed so happy to see the man, he knew that not many people even tried to look into you. He was torn. He decided that ultimately, it was your decision, even if his happiness was affected.

His hybrids tumbled through the door, looking worriedly at Namjoon. He thanked Yoongi who quickly left to 'get back to his nap'. 

"Joonie? What's wrong? Yoongi said you sounded worried!"

"I.. I shouldn't have brought you here. You need to stay calm and know that everything will work out, I'll make sure that we're still able to see them."

"See who?"

"Boys... Y/N might get adopted today."


"What are you talking about?!"

Jimin's small ears tucked back onto his head, eyes watering, "But they was ours, they can't leave us!"

"Yeah, where are they? I'll talk to them." Taehyung began walking down the hallway but Namjoon was faster, grabbing him by the elbow and dragging him back.

"Puppy, this is Y/N's decision. Like I said, if they end up getting adopted, I will make sure that we all still get to see them. I know how much they mean to us all."

"Who's adopting them?"

"We don't know if they're getting adopted yet guys. But it's a man probably a little older than I am, he seems nice. He's been in there for almost an hour with them, this is the longest anyone's ever stayed with Y/N to debate adoption."

It was just then that you walked out of the room, hand in hand with your new owner. Seokjin was holding one of your bags, full of books. He'd helped you pack up your belongings, offering to hold some of them with his free hand.

"Okay, I've decided to adopt Y/N."

"A-Alright, I have their papers over here." Namjoon released Taehyung, regretting it as he flung himself at you.

"Taehyung! Be gentle with Y/N, you know that. Treat them like how you treat Jimin, silly."

Said scottish fold hybrid was sniffling behind the other cat hybrid, grabbing at their hand and tucking his face onto their shoulder. Neither had payed any attention to the man still awkwardly holding Y/N's hand. Taehyung finally turned, wiping his eyes but when he recognized the man, his eyes lit up.

"Seokjin! You live with Yoongi, right?!"

"Oh, yeah I do! How do you two know Yoongi?"

"Yoongi's one of my friends. I had no idea that you were his roommate, what a coincidence! We'll have to visit you sometime." Namjoon's comment was offhanded but he really really hoped that he'd be able to come over virtually whenever he wanted to to see you. 

"Of course, you can bring these two by for a playdate, I'm sure Y/N will miss them!" You nodded, hugging Jimin tightly. You were close to Taehyung, but Jimin was a fellow cat hybrid, meaning that he could connect with you on an emotional level. Taehyung nuzzled into your neck from behind, pressing a little kiss to the skin below your ear. You turned, kissing the dog hybrid's cheek and kissing Jimin's forehead. You untangled yourself from their hug, peeking over Seokjin's shoulder as he signed the papers. You already had a collar on, one that Namjoon had given you, and even though you were technically being adopted by Seokjin, you couldn't bare to get rid of your special collar.

"Okay, well did you want a new collar, or is that one okay Y/N?" Seokjin's comment was sincere but you moved your hands up to your neck, stroking the fuzzy, slightly worn from age fabric that laid there.

"No! I... I want to keep this one. It's special." Your voice was a whisper by the end of your sentence, your eyes downcast to the floor.

"That's okay, you don't need to get a new one. That one's pretty, I like it." Seokjin's kind smile made you melt, your hands coming back to rest on the counter. Namjoon grabbed one, leading you around the counter to hug him. He tucked his face into your hair, eyes watering as tears threatened to spill. 

"Please take care of yourself kitten. And if Seokjin ever does anything to you, anything at all, please tell Yoongi, he'll tell me and I'll get you out of there. I don't think he will, but, you never know. Please come visit us too, I'm gonna miss you so much my love." You whined at his emotional speech, purring into his neck when he squeezed you tighter. 

You finally broke away, reassuring the boys that you'd visit them often. They all eventually had smiles on their faces as Seokjin helped you into his car, opening the door for you and taking all of your bags, setting them in the backseat. Namjoon made sure that he wasn't driving too fast away from the shelter, in all honesty maybe he was looking for a reason to take you back.

"Okay boys, why don't you go close the door to Y/N's room. I think I'm gonna leave it the way it is, I don't want anyone else taking that room."

Taehyung and Jimin both complied, walking down the hall to your room. Taehyung was the first to walk inside instead of shutting the door, walking to the bed and crawling in. He inhaled deeply into the sheets and sighed, a long contented sigh. Jimin joined him, feeling an odd lump under his hip after he plopped onto the bed.

He tugged it out from under him, gasping when he saw your cat stuffed animal. You couldn't sleep without it, but you had forgotten it! Jimin's ears flattened to his head as he turned to Taehyung.

"Taetae, Y/N forgot their kitty! What do we do, they can't sleep without it!"

Taehyung whined, grabbing Jimin's arm and dragging him out to the front room.

"Joonie! Y/N left their kitty here, we have to give it to them before tonight! You know they can't sleep without it!"

"Oh, okay boys. We can stop by Yoongi's tonight, we'll drop it off. Did you close the door?" Jimin made a small noise of recognition, dashing back and shutting the door to your room. He came back, finding Namjoon cleaning the counter while Taehyung sat in Namjoon's desk chair. It was Jimin's favorite, it was the spinny one! He crawled onto Taehyung's lap, gently spinning the chair as he found Taehyung clutching onto your kitten stuffed animal. He nudged it with his head, breathing in your scent as he cuddled the dogboy, spinning slowly in the lobby of the shelter.

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